The tenth edition of Encyclopedia Britannica (under its entry on 'anti-semitism') references "six million Jews" of Rumania and Russia being "systematically degraded"

A Jewish preacher declares that if the (Jewish-led) Communist uprising in Russia succeeds in overthrowing the Czarist government, Zionism would no longer be needed

A Jewish publicist cries wolf to (ironically enough) GERMANY that there was an impending Holocaust of "six million Jews" in Russia during the aftermath of the first Communist uprising there. This lame sob story was nothing more than a ploy to cover up the fact that the Communist uprising that took place in Russia a year earlier (1905) was the handiwork of his fellow Jews who perpetrated widespread atrocities against Russian patriots (anti-Communists) who didn't want a despotic Judeo-Bolshevist government.

In the American Jewish Committee's annual report it is claimed that since 1890 Russia has had a policy to 'expel or exterminate' six million of its Jews.

Max Nordau, co-founder of the World Zionist Organization together with Theodore Herzl, warns of the "annihilation of six million people" at the Zionist congress in Basle, Switzerland. This was 22 years before Hitler came to power and 3 years before WW1 started.

Jewish powerbrokers lobby the British government to support the Zionist project of making Palestine the national homeland for the Jews. The British government issues the "Balfour declaration". The letter is addressed to Jew big-wig Lord Rothschild.

This same year radical Jewish Marxists, led by the Jew Leon Trotsky (real name: Lev Bronstein), financed by so-called "capitalist" Jewish international bankers Schiff, Warburg and Rothschild, violently take over Russia and establish the first Zionist state, the 'Soviet Union'. Czar Nicholas II, his wife and daughters, are kidnapped & murdered. The Communist Jews would go on a 60 plus year reign of terror slaughtering some 40-60 million Russian and Eastern European Gentiles in Gulags, death camps and via artificial (deliberate) famines.

The British take control of Palestine, and occupy the country militarily. Eventually the British Mandate for Palestine is administered, against the will of the Arabs living there.
Shortly after WW1 Jews claim a Holocaust of "six million Jews". It doesn't fly too far, nobody buys it.

White Russian patriots gain ground on the Jewish Bolshevik usurpers of their nation. In a vein attempt to disguise their heavy involvement in murderous Bolshevism, Jews reel out the "six million" myth once again.


Jews perpetrate genocide.
The Jewish-dominated Soviet Secret Police (NKVD), led by Bolshevik Jews Kaganovich, Yagoda, Beria, etc, orchestrate an artificial famine in the Ukraine to put down nationalist resistance to a Bolshevik takeover, on orders of Stalin. The result is 7 million dead Ukrainian men, women and children. It is now known as the "Holodomor".

Hitler comes to power in Germany and immediately begins printing his own currency thus breaking the grip of the usurious Jewish banking establishment of Europe, led by the Rothschilds.
World Jewry declares war on Germany. Jews launch global economic boycott of German goods in an effort to economically strangle Germany to death and topple Hitler's new government.

This act of treachery leads to Jews being declared "enemies of the state" by the Nazis and eventually interned in camps during WW2. Almost the same thing happened to Japanese-Americans after Pearl Harbour. Although, unlike the Jews, Japanese people never waged an economic war on America, they were interned simply for their race.
It is reported in the New York Times that Zionist groups were making hysterical pleas to American Christian leaders and organizations, as well as to the British government, demanding them to assist the creation of a "Jewish nation in Palestine" to save the Jews from "the European Holocaust". This was even prior to the creation of the Jewish ghettos, let alone concentration camps, and over three years before WW2 commenced.
