cockneydoll wrote on Jan 27
th, 2013 at 5:52pm:
The first section of this email is not necessarily untrue. The jury is still out on it since it was released about 4 years ago. The lists of Noble prizewinners is true
The Global Islamic population is approximately 1,200,000,000; that is ONE BILLION TWO HUNDRED MILLION or 20% of the world's population[/highlight]. They have received the following Nobel Prizes:
1988 - Najib Mahfooz
1978 - Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat
1990 - Elias James Corey
1994 - Yaser Arafat:
1999 - Ahmed Zewai
1960 - Peter Brian Medawar
1998 - Ferid Mourad
Ahmed Zewail should be for chemistry it is wrong with that, he was educated in the USA.
Anwar Sadat was killed by a muslim oh the irony.
Abdus Salam won the first nobel prize for a muslim he worked on Pakistan;s nuclear program, he was from the Ahmadi muslims who have since been declared non muslims in Pakistan where the Ahmadi originated so they rempoved the word ',muslim" from his grave.
The Pakistan penal code 295 can see Ahmadi muslims jailed for the crime of "outraging the religious beliefs of a muslim"
The Ahmadi muslims are persecuted by mainstream Islam try google for that,The Ahmadi tried to reform Islam and have been told they are no longer muslims.
Read about Abdus here- Ebadi from Iran also has a nobel prize.
Ebadi lived in Tehran,but she has been in exile in the UK since 2009 due to the increase in persecution of Iranians who are critical of the ruling Islamic regime. guy explains why muslims are lagging behind the rest of the world,Kiwis have probably won more nobel prizes than muslims.
Quote:Muslims are 22% of the worlds population and produce less than 5% of global GDP.
57 muslim majority countries have an average of 10 universities each for a total of less than 600 universities,India has 8,407 universities,the USA has 5,758
Of the 1.4 billion muslims less than 300,000 qualify as scientists and that converts to a ratio of 230 scientists per million muslims, The USA has 4,099 scientists per million and Japan has 5,095 scientists per million people.
Fact Of the 1.4 billion muslims,800 million are illiterate, 6 out of 10 muslims cannot read.