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competing victimhoods seething (Read 6463 times)
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competing victimhoods seething
Jan 23rd, 2013 at 6:05pm
Women … are angry with ourselves for not being happier, not being loved properly and not having the ideal body shape — that of a Brazilian transsexual.’— Suzanne Moore

One of these days, not too far away, the entire bourgeois bien-pensant left will self-immolate entirely leaving behind nothing but a thin skein of smoke smelling slightly of goji berries. Please let that day come quickly. In the meantime let us simply enjoy ourselves watching them tear each other to pieces, mired in their competing victimhoods, seething with acquired sensitivity, with inchoate rage and fury, inventing more and more hate crimes with which they might punish people who are not themselves.

That quote above comes from the very talented feminist writer Suzanne Moore. It is a sentence from a piece she wrote for the New Statesman. You would not believe the trouble it has caused. The Twittersphere immediately started roaring like a pre-menstrual velociraptor, there were demands for an apology and a rebuttal, there was a somewhat robust defence of the original sentence and then, as a consequence, a government minister called for the editor of an august — well, not quite august, more like late June — national newspaper to resign. The debate is still howling around. It may be — in terms of national importance — nothing more than 5,000 bald women and bald quasi-women arguing over a comb. But it gives you an insight into the metro left’s bizarre psychosis. Oh, and it’s fun, it’s fun. It’s certainly that.

That anodyne sentence above, which is presumably meant to express the pressure women feel to conform to a particular body-type, was taken amiss by Britain’s vibrant community of transsexuals. They eviscerated Moore for doing what I just did and referring to them as transsexuals rather than transsexual people, but also stuck the boot in by suggesting that the writer was mocking their gender, was perhaps bullying them. Undoubtedly, they asserted online and later in print, this was evidence of deviance — not sexual deviance, but deviation from political correct orthodoxy; Moore was revealing an inner hatred of transsexual people. And she was cissexist. Now there’s a term. Have you heard it before? I hadn’t. It is a wonderful day when we can stumble across a new hate crime of which we might all one day be accused: cissexism is the suspicion that transsexual people’s ‘identified gender’ is somehow less genuine than that of people born to the gender in which they remain. Are you guilty of cissexism? You bastard.

The fugue of hatred poured down upon Moore, but to her credit she disdained what we might call an apology. Instead, she tweeted: ‘People can just bugger off really. Cut their dicks off and be more feminist than me. Good for them.’ You see, there is a scintilla of mistrust between traditional feminists like Moore and these arriviste liberationists — arriviste in a physical sense, at least. As you might imagine, this tweet did not placate Ms Moore’s tormentors. It made things worse. The trannies went ballistic; they threw their toys out of the pram. And that was before they read the piece written by Moore’s friend and ideological soulmate, Julie Burchill. One very witty commentator online put it thus: ‘Julie Burchill poured oil on troubled waters. Then she put some seabirds in the oil. Then she set fire to the oil.’ Describing the transsexuals as ‘screaming mimis’ and ‘bedwetters in bad wigs’, Julie concluded her defence of Suzanne Moore with the following wonderful sentence: ‘To have your cock cut off and then plead special privileges as women — above natural-born women, who don’t know the meaning of suffering, apparently — is a bit like the old definition of chutzpah: the boy who killed his parents and then asked the jury for clemency on the grounds he was an orphan.’ She wrote that in the Observer — easily the best piece the paper has carried in a decade.

At which point the government got involved. No, it really did. Its most idiotic minister, the Liberal Democrat Lynne Featherstone — again utilising that conduit for the shriekingly self-obsessed and vapid, Twitter — described Burchill’s article as ‘bigoted vomit’ and suggested that both she and the editor of the Observer, a man called John Mulholland, should be sacked immediately. Should government ministers do that sort of thing, demand the sacking of newspaper editors? Even if they are incalculably stupid ministers with a track record of saying incalculably stupid things? She is the minister for International Development these days, Featherstone, so it is not even part of her brief. Although I suppose it is part of her brief as a non-cissexist heterosexual woman, in a very real sense.

How did Mr Mulholland respond? Did this titan of the press, this staunch and stoic defender of freedom of speech stand by his columnist? Um, not exactly. He instead apologised for having run Julie Burchill’s article and within the hour the piece had been expunged from the joint Guardian-Observer website, no trace of it remaining. But in making his apology Mulholland did say that the Observer supported freedom of speech and did so terribly bravely sometimes. Just, er, not this time.

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Re: competing victimhoods seething
Reply #1 - Jan 23rd, 2013 at 6:11pm
heheheh.  they can try to hide the contradcitions inherent in their world views, but they'll always bubble to the surface eventually.  All you can do is sit back, and watch them tear each other aprt.


Gotta side with the fmeinists on this one though - trannies are messed up people.  their delusions should never have been indulged in the first place.
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« Last Edit: Jan 23rd, 2013 at 6:17pm by ... »  

In the fullness of time...
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Re: competing victimhoods seething
Reply #2 - Jan 23rd, 2013 at 8:27pm
Julie Burchill's article, since deleted by the Observer - but here republished by the London Telegraph.

The brilliant writer Suzanne Moore and I go back a long way. I first met her when she was a young single mother living in a council flat; she took me out to interview me about my novel Ambition (re-published by Corvus Books this spring, since you ask) for dear dead City Limits magazine. "I’ve got an entertaining budget of £12.50!" she said proudly. "Sod that, we’re having lobster and champagne at Frederick’s, and I’m paying," I told her. Half a bottle of Bolly later, she looked at me with faraway eyes: "Ooo, I could get to like this…’ And so she did.

I have observed her rise to the forefront of this country’s great polemicists with a whole lot of pride – and just a tiny bit of envy. I am godmother to her three brilliant, beautiful daughters. Though we differ on certain issues we will have each others backs till the sacred cows come home.

With this in mind, I was incredulous to read that my friend was being monstered on Twitter, to the extent that she had quit it, for supposedly picking on a minority – transsexuals. Though I imagine it to be something akin to being savaged by a dead sheep, as Denis Healey had it of Geoffrey Howe, I nevertheless felt indignant that a woman of such style and substance should be driven from her chosen mode of time-wasting by a bunch of dicks in chick’s clothing.

To my mind – I have given cool-headed consideration to the matter – a gaggle of transsexuals telling Suzanne Moore how to write looks a lot like how I’d imagine the Black & White Minstrels telling Usain Bolt how to run would look. That rude and ridic.

Here’s what happened. In a book of essays called Red: The Waterstones Anthology, Suzanne contributed a piece about women’s anger. She wrote that, amongst other things, women were angry about "not having the ideal body shape – that of a Brazilian transsexual". Rather than join her in decrying the idea that every broad should aim to look like an oven-ready porn star, the very vociferous transsexual lobby and their grim groupies picked on the messenger instead.

I must say that my only experience of the trans lobby thus far was hearing about the vile way they have persecuted another of my friends, the veteran women’s rights and anti-domestic violence activist Julie Bindel, picketing events where she is speaking about such minor issues as the rape of children and the trafficking of women just because she refuses to accept that their relationship with their phantom limb is the most pressing problem that women – real and imagined – are facing right now.

Similarly, Suzanne’s original piece was about the real horror of the bigger picture – how the savagery of a few old Etonians is having real, ruinous effects on the lives of the weakest members of our society, many of whom happen to be women. The reaction of the trans lobby reminded me very much of those wretched inner-city kids who shoot another inner-city kid dead in a fast-food shop for not showing him enough ‘respect’. Ignore the real enemy – they’re strong and will need real effort and organization to fight. How much easier to lash out at those who are conveniently close to hand!

But they’d rather argue over semantics. To be fair, after having one’s nuts taken off (see what I did there?)) by endless decades in academia, it’s all most of them are fit to do. Educated beyond all common sense and honesty, it was a hoot to see the screaming-mimis accuse Suze of white feminist privilege; it may have been this which made her finally respond in the subsequent salty language she employed to answer her Twitter critics: "People can just bugger off really. Cut their dicks off and be more feminist than me. Good for them."

She, the other JB and I are part of the tiny minority of women of working-class origin to make it in what used to be called Fleet Street and I think this partly contributes to the stand-off with the trannies. (I know that’s a wrong word, but having recently discovered that their lot describe born women as ‘Cis’ – sounds like syph, cyst, cistern; all nasty stuff – they’re lucky I’m not calling them shemales. Or shims.) We know that everything we have, we got for ourselves. We have no family money, no safety net. And we are damned if we are going to be accused of being privileged by a bunch of bed-wetters in bad wigs.

It’s been noted before that cyberspace, though supposedly all new and shiny, is plagued by the age old boredom of men telling women not to talk, and threatening them will all kinds of nastiness if they persist in saying what they feel.

The trans lobby are now saying that it wasn’t so much the initial piece as Suzanne’s refusal to apologise when told to that "made" them drive her from Twitter. Presumably she is meant to do this in the name of solidarity and the "struggle" – though I find it very hard to imagine this mob struggling with anything apart from the English language and the concept of free speech.

To have your cock cut off and then plead special privileges as women – above natural-born women, who don’t know the meaning of suffering, apparently – is a bit like the old definition of chutzpah: the boy who killed his parents and then asked the jury for clemency on the grounds he was an orphan.
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Re: competing victimhoods seething
Reply #3 - Jan 23rd, 2013 at 8:30pm
Shims, shemales, whatever you’re calling yourselves these days – don't threaten or bully we lowly natural-born women, I warn you. We may not have as many lovely big swinging Phds as you, but we’ve experienced a lifetime of PMT and sexual harassment, and many of us are now staring HRT and the menopause straight in the face – and still not flinching. Trust me,  you ain’t seen nothing yet. You really won’t like us when we’re angry.

Julie Burchill is the Christopher Hitchens of feminism. I really like her (if I may be permitted to say such a thing about a feminist, being a mere lesbian trapped in a man's body).
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Re: competing victimhoods seething
Reply #4 - Jan 24th, 2013 at 4:55am
How did Mr Mulholland respond? Did this titan of the press, this staunch and stoic defender of freedom of speech stand by his columnist? Um, not exactly. He instead apologised for having run Julie Burchill’s article and within the hour the piece had been expunged from the joint Guardian-Observer website, no trace of it remaining. But in making his apology Mulholland did say that the Observer supported freedom of speech and did so terribly bravely sometimes. Just, er, not this time.

No surprise there. The press have to adhere to political correctness or else they'll have Human Rights to answer to.

To have your cock cut off and then plead special privileges as women – above natural-born women, who don’t know the meaning of suffering, apparently – is a bit like the old definition of chutzpah: the boy who killed his parents and then asked the jury for clemency on the grounds he was an orphan.

Minorities now have an equal voice and we have to live with it whether we like it or not. Free speech has gone forever. Abnormal people don't exist anymore - neither do normal people. We're all equal - mutated or not.
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Postmodern Trendoid III
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Re: competing victimhoods seething
Reply #5 - Jan 24th, 2013 at 7:58am
"Competing victimhoods" indeed. Often minority groups compete to convince others who is the most oppressed. That way they get the most pity and public funding.
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Australian Politics

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Re: competing victimhoods seething
Reply #6 - Jan 24th, 2013 at 2:08pm
The trannies and the wimmin have been bitching for years. Germain Greer puts it down to conflicting notions of gender.

Hardline transsexuals say they're women trapped in men's bodies, or men trapped in women's bodies. Hardline feminists say gender is a social construct. Can both be right?

As a devout PB and softcock gender-studies enthusiast, I'd like to offer my support as a mediator. Surely we can all agree on something - right, gang?

Perhaps the trannies could agree that they're men or women trapped within the ideological interstices of power and gender. And the wimmin could agree that, yes, Jimmy Choo should put out some of his sassier creations in a size 13.
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Re: competing victimhoods seething
Reply #7 - Jan 24th, 2013 at 7:26pm
Karnal wrote on Jan 24th, 2013 at 2:08pm:
The trannies and the wimmin have been bitching for years. Germain Greer puts it down to conflicting notions of gender.

Hardline transsexuals say they're women trapped in men's bodies, or men trapped in women's bodies. Hardline feminists say gender is a social construct. Can both be right?

As a devout PB and softcock gender-studies enthusiast, I'd like to offer my support as a mediator. Surely we can all agree on something - right, gang?

Perhaps the trannies could agree that they're men or women trapped within the ideological interstices of power and gender. And the wimmin could agree that, yes, Jimmy Choo should put out some of his sassier creations in a size 13.

there was a time when i thought i was a man trapped in a womans body.
then i was born
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Re: competing victimhoods seething
Reply #8 - Jan 24th, 2013 at 9:01pm
As long as I remember, I have been a lesbian trapped in a man's body. I feel unvalidated.

Who will speak for me??

Nobody. Lesbians trapped in men's bodies are invisible. This is the next frontier, I tell you.

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Re: competing victimhoods seething
Reply #9 - Jan 24th, 2013 at 9:33pm
oh oh we have an error...
missing post!!  warning!!
maybe this one will shove the other one where it ought to be
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Re: competing victimhoods seething
Reply #10 - Jan 24th, 2013 at 9:33pm

where did my post go??

don't tell me I'm being censored..  Grin
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Re: competing victimhoods seething
Reply #11 - Jan 24th, 2013 at 9:39pm
I find the  title  a peculiarly incompatible group of words....

your premise is that 'victims' are actively competing for sympathy and support,  at the expense of other victims.  By banding together as a lobby group ...against other lobby groups,  .. Roll Eyes

Particular 'types' of 'victims', too. Multi-sexual victims. !!.
Further , that they are virtually at each others 'throats'. 

What a bizarre topic...  I mean your premise may be true... how would I know?? Grin Grin
Well it is definitely on the right board...  but what ,  why  ???  HOW??  could you come up with this idea for a topic.  ???

Different,, and funny even.  Smiley Huh

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Re: competing victimhoods seething
Reply #12 - Jan 24th, 2013 at 9:39pm
Roll Eyes

just kidding  Grin found it after all..
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Re: competing victimhoods seething
Reply #13 - Jan 24th, 2013 at 9:41pm
I completely agree, old chap. In fact, I’d like to use you as a case study for the paper. I’d just like to say up front, as it were, that there’s nothing abnormal about what you do with, er, women. It might not be considered tasteful in polite company, but I think it’s completely, you know, natural. We all have our little quirks, and you should not be ashamed of you are inside yourself.

Yes, old boy, others may chastise you for being, well, heteronormative, but I, for one, will always support you no matter what. After all, we know that you can’t help who you are deep down.

Chin up, old chap. Best to get straight back on the horse, what.
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Re: competing victimhoods seething
Reply #14 - Jan 24th, 2013 at 10:17pm
Karnal wrote on Jan 24th, 2013 at 9:41pm:
I completely agree, old chap. In fact, I’d like to use you as a case study for the paper. I’d just like to say up front, as it were, that there’s nothing abnormal about what you do with, er, women. It might not be considered tasteful in polite company, but I think it’s completely, you know, natural. -----------------------------------------------
Yes, old boy, others may chastise you for being, well, heteronormative, but I, for one, will always support you no matter what. After all, we know that you can’t help who you are deep down.

Chin up, old chap. Best to get straight back on the horse, what.

Well that's why Queen Victoria didn't recognise 'lesbianism' - don't you know old chap..  Smiley perfectly natural and not needful of a label.

No doubt if she had been King Victor, he would have felt the same way about 'man love'.   Smiley

please define 'victimhoods' ... that might spread a little light in the muck. Cool
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