Bobby. wrote on Jan 27
th, 2013 at 11:06am:
Gizmo - a lie is a lie.
When it's used as a pretext for an illegal war then it's criminal & a war crime.
Bullshit Bobby...point 1..It wasn't a lie, there really was a battle (small in truth) on August the 2nd 1964, and another reported battle (which turned out to be false) on August the 4th 1964..
The NSA reported the second one, and it's possible they just misread radar 'ghost' (echoes bouncing around because of atmospheric conditions, which was common with the older radars)
The first battle involved damage to the US ship and a fighter plane, lots of expended rounds, damage to 3 NVN torpedo boats, and 4 dead and 6 injured NVN saliors..ALL of which North Vietnam confirmed...
So it's not a 'lie to get the US involved', they'd been involved since 1955...
Please at least try to do research that involves more than listening to the first random stranger on the internet who shouts 'False Flag' doesn't help your case when, at the first whisper of a false flag, you seem to take your brain out and flush it down the dunny...