He of pursed lips pretending to operate a chainsaw.
Looks like he is.
Dangerous position to operate a chain saw. Holding it like girl. What holding the handle –
you think real men hold the end with the blade?
Note: Motor running, chain not turning,(you can count the teeth on the chain) no sawdust coming from chain.
You mean it is in neutral likely because some idiot is pointing a camera at him.
Yes there is saw dust on his left leg, god knows where it came from though.
I would think that tree is a possibility.
Yes Rudd you are a dud.
More like your crap is pathetic?
hopefully he tries to clear some fallen powerlines away next
you have sight problems there are no fallen power lines in the shot?
Also note the angle of the branch. It is about to jam the chain, and where is the cut underneath to prevent the it?
Note the perspective it would be a lot further away than it looks and it doesn’t even look close. There looks to be about a foot of space under the cut.
You guys are truly pathetic and getting worse.
The valid critisism is that he should be using safety gear.