Quote:Unfortunately FD, you seem to define 'bad argument' as anything that disagrees with you.
It is not so much a bad argument as a complete lack of an argument. If you know what people are getting at when they blurt out 'China is a really big country', please enlighten us. No-one has been able to build it into a cogent argument so far. Here is another example of lack of substance. Can you elaborate on what measure of reductions you are referring to?
Quote:China is the biggest emitter and as such is required to reduce emissions as much as everyone else.
Another example of meaningless posturing - what are those rules?
Quote:what we are saying is actually the same rules for everyone regardless of size.
Quote:The bleeding-heart lobby wants india and China to be given a free ride
How about you start with what people actually say longy? There is no point scoring grand debating victories over your imaginary foes here.
Quote:Nope it wouldn't...because the 2 ex-china countries would be producing 11.75% of the World's emissions (still 10 times what Australia does)
OK Gizmo you got me there. How many countries would China have to split into to solve the problem?
Quote:If you want to base 'fault' on per capita
Perhaps this is the source of your incoherence gizmo. This is not about posturing and fault and blame shifting. It is about solutions. Do you ahve any, or are you more worried about blame?
Quote:then shouldn't you be proposing sanctions against the Falklands Islands?
You go from complaining that Australia has to do it's part to calling for sanctions for countries that emit slightly more.
Quote:a large part of our emissions are because of the size of our country and would still occur if no one lived here
The emissions in question are anthropogenic.
Quote:another major component is our mining industry. Given that we export the vast majority of that to paying customers then emissions as a result of that should be deducted otherwise you end up penalising a country (like ours) because we feed large parts of the world
I think you are confusing farmers and miners.