No Freediver...
and woof woof ??? I think your values are skewed... like lots of posters on this thread. You seek the sensational negative,, ... its the old story ... divide and conquer...
when we should be working together.. (the NEED never on this scale before)
and not likely to happen...
there seems to be a mindset, no doubt present elsewhere in the world as well, but very obvious on this Forum.
I guess Ozzies, like other nations, along with Yanks and Russkies, and to a lesser extent, publicly, the Brits, for example..... all suffer from the knowledge that in the past, the developing world was sorely used!! ... and
We were the beneficiaries, and knowing the human animal, being one, we are fearful of the consequences... of the price that must always be paid, in one way or another.
This growling about 'developing nations subsidies'.. is simply an expression of fear.
I'll add.... deservedly.....
It is also inherent in climate change (read degradation of Earth)_ deniers.!!
See ?? things like this don't come and go in 10 yrs..... they carry on for generations.... and , we all suffer the consequences of previous greed and corruption, ... as will surviving generations, after us.