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Housing Remains Unaffordable - Many Struggling. (Read 10896 times)
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Housing Remains Unaffordable - Many Struggling.
Feb 17th, 2013 at 5:54am
More kids growing up in rental homes as financial stress bites families.     Sad

    Jessica Irvine, National Economics Editor
    News Limited Network
    February 16, 2013


MORE Australian children are growing up in rental homes, a new analysis of Census figures show.

The proportion of families with at least one child aged 15 years or younger who are renting rose from 24.6 per cent in 2006 to 26.9 per cent in 2011, according to the analysis by Australians for Affordable Housing.

Campaign manager Joel Pringle said more families in rental accommodation was a sign of financial stress.

“Many young families are finding themselves stuck in a rent trap, unable to purchase a home, but also struggling to afford high rents, which make saving for a deposit incredibly difficult.”     Sad

New figures released last week reveal the number of first home buyers in the property market fell to an 8 and a half year low last month.

According to Mr Pringle: “Housing remains unaffordable, and many people are struggling.”     Sad

First home buyers getting older

More young people are also choosing to rent or live at home for longer before buying their own home.

According to economics professor Mark Wooden of the University of Melbourne, the age of the typical first home buyer is getting older as young people increasingly stay longer in education and take longer to get married.

“We know that age of leaving home has been gradually rising over time, so it’s very likely that age of first home buyers is also rising.”
Generation Rent

Staying at home was also a more comfortable option these days, Professor Wooden said.

“In earlier days young people were effectively driven out of home by the lack of space. Parents today are wealthier and have large homes which can more easily accommodate adult children and their lifestyle than was true in the past, making it more attractive for young people to stay with parents.”

Meanwhile, a greater supply of new rental apartments in inner city areas was luring more young people to rent for longer.

“More high quality rental apartments in attractive areas in the inner city may be leading some to choose rental over home ownership on the urban fringe.”

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Re: Housing Remains Unaffordable - Many Struggling.
Reply #1 - Feb 17th, 2013 at 6:31am
gotta grow that pie,
hopefully sacking 20,000 pieces of deadwood will free up a bit of money .

then again, we live in a global economy where you sell your labour into a global market.
if you are on the dole  in most of our global trading partners , you live at the dump and fight for scraps with the seagulls.

persoanlly, i would say the average family dog has more luxuries then the average african child.
so lets not get too weepy for the struggling.

we need to sort out and actively help, the battlers who are genuinely putting in an effort. and we need to be harsher with those who arent.

i would give public housing to the working poor and establish safe sleeping quarters perhaps in tents a bit like manus island for the long term welfare recipients.
here they would get food, water, showers and security and they could spend the day thinking about how to motivate themselves.

when they have shown they are no longer whingers and negative lazy bones, they could be helped back into mainstream society.

long term welfare recipients , and i would estimate there are about 1000000 under 65 in OZ need rehabilitation back into mainstream society in much the same way as long term prisoners.

by removing them from the mainstream housing market, the working battlers would have a lot of much cheaper accomodation freed up.

as it stands, long term welfare recipients, in public housing wouldnt dare get a good job or work hard as their tenure would be terminated as their income rose.

this is extremely cancerous and unproductive and just downright foolish.

i would kick them out of public housing if they DIDNT get a job, not if they did.
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Sir lastnail
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Re: Housing Remains Unaffordable - Many Struggling.
Reply #2 - Feb 17th, 2013 at 10:06am
hey what's longlosers great financial advice for these people ? Perhaps a time machine Grin LOL

MORE than 10 per cent of Australian households – or 850,000 – spend so much on rent or mortgage payments they have little left over to cover other bills, a study shows.

In particular, many households that rent are struggling, with one in four considered to be in ”housing stress”.

The study, by the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling at the University of Canberra, was commissioned by the group Australians for Affordable Housing. It kicks off a campaign today to encourage all levels of government to tackle the housing crisis.

The group’s campaign manager, Sarah Toohey, said people were struggling to build a life after they had paid their housing costs.

”People feel the impact of food and utility price increases so keenly because housing costs take up so much of their income,” she said.

The study, Housing Costs Through the Roof, focuses on households with the lowest 40 per cent of incomes, taking family size into account, who spend 30 per cent or more of income on rent or mortgage payments. This is a recognised measure of housing stress.

It found almost 300,000 renters and home buyers in New South Wales were in ”housing stress”, at risk of falling into poverty once they had paid for a roof over their heads.

After Hobart, Sydney put the tightest squeeze on renters with 25 per cent, or almost 107,000 households, deemed to be in housing stress, and 180,000 in NSW.

A high proportion of Sydney’s 15,134 first home buyers were also at risk of poverty – 15 per cent – but not as high as in Hobart or Melbourne. Overall, almost 74,000 mortgagors in Sydney were struggling, and 112,000 in NSW.
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In August 2021, Newcastle Coroner Karen Dilks recorded that Lisa Shaw had died “due to complications of an AstraZeneca COVID vaccination”.
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John Smith
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Re: Housing Remains Unaffordable - Many Struggling.
Reply #3 - Feb 17th, 2013 at 12:01pm
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 10:06am:
hey what's longlosers great financial advice for these people

move to somewhere with cheaper rent ... you want CBD living, you pay. You realise nail, that to own a house you must actually make many sacrifices along the way? My dad worked two jobs 7 days a week to pay his mortgage , never went out to dinner, never bought himself any treats or toys ... my grandfather went to work across the other side of the planet to pay his ....
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Sir lastnail
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Re: Housing Remains Unaffordable - Many Struggling.
Reply #4 - Feb 17th, 2013 at 2:09pm
John Smith wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 12:01pm:
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 10:06am:
hey what's longlosers great financial advice for these people

move to somewhere with cheaper rent ... you want CBD living, you pay. You realise nail, that to own a house you must actually make many sacrifices along the way? My dad worked two jobs 7 days a week to pay his mortgage , never went out to dinner, never bought himself any treats or toys ... my grandfather went to work across the other side of the planet to pay his ....

yeh move outwards to a place with high unemployment and minimal job prospects because there is only investment in properties and little or no investment in manufacturing Sad

how about getting rid of negative gearing rorts for a start thus discouraging hoarding of property that could be sold to people instead of rented out. Like you said rent money is dead money so give people greater opportunities to own their own home. They don't need to be paying off some greedy bastards rental property Wink
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In August 2021, Newcastle Coroner Karen Dilks recorded that Lisa Shaw had died “due to complications of an AstraZeneca COVID vaccination”.
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Posts: 9451
Re: Housing Remains Unaffordable - Many Struggling.
Reply #5 - Feb 17th, 2013 at 2:20pm
Im sick and tired of hearing people whinge about how unnafordable housing is. I own rental properties but I have worked hard for them, 7 days a week for years. Not to mention the time, money and effort poughed into these places over the years for some lazy tenant to trash. The fact is that owning your own home is a possibility for just about every working family or person in this country. However hard work and personal sacrifice is involved, this is anathema to many. The fact that many choose lifestyle choices like only working 38 hours a week and spending a large proportion of their income on entertainment, junk food and impulse buys doesnt make housing unnafordable and doesnt make landlords greedy. I resent being labelled "greedy" simply for being a hard worker prepared to sacrifice luxuries. Want your own home? Cancel your mobile phone contract, forget about buying the latest plasma TV, stop buying junk food, forget about the pub or casino on the weekend and start working hard, 2 jobs if necassary as I have done for decades. Otherwise, quit your whinging. Your lazy, Im not. Thats why I have more than you. Its called work ethic.
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Sir lastnail
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Re: Housing Remains Unaffordable - Many Struggling.
Reply #6 - Feb 17th, 2013 at 2:44pm
ian wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 2:20pm:
Im sick and tired of hearing people whinge about how unnafordable housing is. I own rental properties but I have worked hard for them, 7 days a week for years. Not to mention the time, money and effort poughed into these places over the years for some lazy tenant to trash. The fact is that owning your own home is a possibility for just about every working family or person in this country. However hard work and personal sacrifice is involved, this is anathema to many. The fact that many choose lifestyle choices like only working 38 hours a week and spending a large proportion of their income on entertainment, junk food and impulse buys doesnt make housing unnafordable and doesnt make landlords greedy. I resent being labelled "greedy" simply for being a hard worker prepared to sacrifice luxuries. Want your own home? Cancel your mobile phone contract, forget about buying the latest plasma TV, stop buying junk food, forget about the pub or casino on the weekend and start working hard, 2 jobs if necassary as I have done for decades. Otherwise, quit your whinging. Your lazy, Im not. Thats why I have more than you. Its called work ethic.

Bullshit, nobody asked you to buy those joints. You weren't satisfied with living in your own place and so you bought those joints because of your own greed thus denying other people a place to own. Not only that you got the benefits of tax concessions that other owner occupiers don't even get. You just had to sit tight and get the tenants to pay off those joints for you whilst you the enjoyed capital appreciation. Don't tell us about your hard luck stories. You made the choice to steal homes from other people who just wanted to own ONE place for themselves Sad

Next time invest in something that is going to provide a future for this country so you won't have to worry about tenants trashing your joint. No wonder we can't make our own cars here with all of the money plundered into property deals Sad
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In August 2021, Newcastle Coroner Karen Dilks recorded that Lisa Shaw had died “due to complications of an AstraZeneca COVID vaccination”.
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Posts: 9451
Re: Housing Remains Unaffordable - Many Struggling.
Reply #7 - Feb 17th, 2013 at 2:55pm
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 2:44pm:
ian wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 2:20pm:
Im sick and tired of hearing people whinge about how unnafordable housing is. I own rental properties but I have worked hard for them, 7 days a week for years. Not to mention the time, money and effort poughed into these places over the years for some lazy tenant to trash. The fact is that owning your own home is a possibility for just about every working family or person in this country. However hard work and personal sacrifice is involved, this is anathema to many. The fact that many choose lifestyle choices like only working 38 hours a week and spending a large proportion of their income on entertainment, junk food and impulse buys doesnt make housing unnafordable and doesnt make landlords greedy. I resent being labelled "greedy" simply for being a hard worker prepared to sacrifice luxuries. Want your own home? Cancel your mobile phone contract, forget about buying the latest plasma TV, stop buying junk food, forget about the pub or casino on the weekend and start working hard, 2 jobs if necassary as I have done for decades. Otherwise, quit your whinging. Your lazy, Im not. Thats why I have more than you. Its called work ethic.

Bullshit, nobody asked you to buy those joints. You weren't satisfied with living in your own place and so you bought those joints because of your own greed thus denying other people a place to own. Not only that you got the benefits of tax concessions that other owner occupiers don't even get. You just had to sit tight and get the tenants to pay off those joints for you whilst you the enjoyed capital appreciation. Don't tell us about your hard luck stories. You made the choice to steal homes from other people who just wanted to own ONE place for themselves Sad

Next time invest in something that is going to provide a future for this country so you won't have to worry about tenants trashing your joint. No wonder we can't make our own cars here with all of the money plundered into property deals Sad
Lol, just the sort of self entitled lazy attitude that i expected. Go ahead, denigrate hard work and the ethic that goes along with it. Look forward to a future of achieving little except whining posts on an internet forum and a life time resentment towards those you percieve as greedy. You are entitled to nothing in this life except what you work for, thats just the fact. Whinge all you like, I will prosper and you wont, thats the bottom line. Im rich, you are not, I got here through hard work and heres how I feel about it.  Cheesy  Grin  Cool  Tongue
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Innocent bystander
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Re: Housing Remains Unaffordable - Many Struggling.
Reply #8 - Feb 17th, 2013 at 2:59pm
ian wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 2:20pm:
Im sick and tired of hearing people whinge about how unnafordable housing is. I own rental properties but I have worked hard for them, 7 days a week for years. Not to mention the time, money and effort poughed into these places over the years for some lazy tenant to trash. The fact is that owning your own home is a possibility for just about every working family or person in this country. However hard work and personal sacrifice is involved, this is anathema to many. The fact that many choose lifestyle choices like only working 38 hours a week and spending a large proportion of their income on entertainment, junk food and impulse buys doesnt make housing unnafordable and doesnt make landlords greedy. I resent being labelled "greedy" simply for being a hard worker prepared to sacrifice luxuries. Want your own home? Cancel your mobile phone contract, forget about buying the latest plasma TV, stop buying junk food, forget about the pub or casino on the weekend and start working hard, 2 jobs if necassary as I have done for decades. Otherwise, quit your whinging. Your lazy, Im not. Thats why I have more than you. Its called work ethic.

Good post, not brain surgery is it?, unfortunately there are a hell of a lot people out there that thinks its their right to take what you've got because you have more, I think the correct term is parasite.
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Re: Housing Remains Unaffordable - Many Struggling.
Reply #9 - Feb 17th, 2013 at 4:12pm
I think the issue is, it's  increasingly difficult for people to get into home ownership within a reasonable distance of the major cities or major suburban/industrial areas without:
1. taking out mortgages they may not be able to sustain in times of financial stress (someone will always sell them one)
2. either putting off having a family until middle age or being prepared to put their kids into extra-long day care & after-school care while they both work all hours of the day.

I don't think the above is an exaggeration, but some might disagree. Of course if one or more is in highly paid occupations it'a different ball game, but I'm talking about average workers here.

Possible solutions:
1. have generous in-laws prepared to house you for years while you save up because it must be hard as hell to save with Sydney rents.
2. after the war (WW2 that is) many people lived in garages for a long time, but I don't think that is allowed now.
3. move to country areas where there is work and housing is cheaper, but in a lot of cases it isn't cheaper anymore. And there is a disadvantage often with the less availability of services like medical

Just a few thoughts.
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Disclosure: anything I write may be deemed to be extremist, particularly if it is critical of the ALP or Greens. Look away now if squeamish.
Life may be too short, so have a laugh & enjoy.
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John Smith
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Re: Housing Remains Unaffordable - Many Struggling.
Reply #10 - Feb 17th, 2013 at 4:12pm
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 2:09pm:
John Smith wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 12:01pm:
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 10:06am:
hey what's longlosers great financial advice for these people

move to somewhere with cheaper rent ... you want CBD living, you pay. You realise nail, that to own a house you must actually make many sacrifices along the way? My dad worked two jobs 7 days a week to pay his mortgage , never went out to dinner, never bought himself any treats or toys ... my grandfather went to work across the other side of the planet to pay his ....

yeh move outwards to a place with high unemployment and minimal job prospects because there is only investment in properties and little or no investment in manufacturing Sad

how about getting rid of negative gearing rorts for a start thus discouraging hoarding of property that could be sold to people instead of rented out. Like you said rent money is dead money so give people greater opportunities to own their own home. They don't need to be paying off some greedy bastards rental property Wink

my grandfather house was in Southern Italy and when work dried up around his town he went to work in Argentina for 5 yrs and sent the money back to his wife and kids  .... don't tell me you have to move to an area with high unemployment.

How about getting rid of that attitude where you blame everyone else and stop looking for excuses? Like I said before, you want a house, you have to sacrifice.
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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John Smith
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Re: Housing Remains Unaffordable - Many Struggling.
Reply #11 - Feb 17th, 2013 at 4:16pm
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 2:44pm:
ian wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 2:20pm:
Im sick and tired of hearing people whinge about how unnafordable housing is. I own rental properties but I have worked hard for them, 7 days a week for years. Not to mention the time, money and effort poughed into these places over the years for some lazy tenant to trash. The fact is that owning your own home is a possibility for just about every working family or person in this country. However hard work and personal sacrifice is involved, this is anathema to many. The fact that many choose lifestyle choices like only working 38 hours a week and spending a large proportion of their income on entertainment, junk food and impulse buys doesnt make housing unnafordable and doesnt make landlords greedy. I resent being labelled "greedy" simply for being a hard worker prepared to sacrifice luxuries. Want your own home? Cancel your mobile phone contract, forget about buying the latest plasma TV, stop buying junk food, forget about the pub or casino on the weekend and start working hard, 2 jobs if necassary as I have done for decades. Otherwise, quit your whinging. Your lazy, Im not. Thats why I have more than you. Its called work ethic.

Bullshit, nobody asked you to buy those joints. You weren't satisfied with living in your own place and so you bought those joints because of your own greed thus denying other people a place to own. Not only that you got the benefits of tax concessions that other owner occupiers don't even get. You just had to sit tight and get the tenants to pay off those joints for you whilst you the enjoyed capital appreciation. Don't tell us about your hard luck stories. You made the choice to steal homes from other people who just wanted to own ONE place for themselves Sad

Next time invest in something that is going to provide a future for this country so you won't have to worry about tenants trashing your joint. No wonder we can't make our own cars here with all of the money plundered into property deals Sad

do you even listen to yourself? if he hadn't bought those houses you still wouldn't own a house .... stop blaming everyone else for your bad decisions.
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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John Smith
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Re: Housing Remains Unaffordable - Many Struggling.
Reply #12 - Feb 17th, 2013 at 4:16pm
Innocent bystander wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 2:59pm:
ian wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 2:20pm:
Im sick and tired of hearing people whinge about how unnafordable housing is. I own rental properties but I have worked hard for them, 7 days a week for years. Not to mention the time, money and effort poughed into these places over the years for some lazy tenant to trash. The fact is that owning your own home is a possibility for just about every working family or person in this country. However hard work and personal sacrifice is involved, this is anathema to many. The fact that many choose lifestyle choices like only working 38 hours a week and spending a large proportion of their income on entertainment, junk food and impulse buys doesnt make housing unnafordable and doesnt make landlords greedy. I resent being labelled "greedy" simply for being a hard worker prepared to sacrifice luxuries. Want your own home? Cancel your mobile phone contract, forget about buying the latest plasma TV, stop buying junk food, forget about the pub or casino on the weekend and start working hard, 2 jobs if necassary as I have done for decades. Otherwise, quit your whinging. Your lazy, Im not. Thats why I have more than you. Its called work ethic.

Good post, not brain surgery is it?, unfortunately there are a hell of a lot people out there that thinks its their right to take what you've got because you have more, I think the correct term is parasite. 

I agre, it was a good post.
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Sir lastnail
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Re: Housing Remains Unaffordable - Many Struggling.
Reply #13 - Feb 17th, 2013 at 4:59pm
John Smith wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 4:16pm:
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 2:44pm:
ian wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 2:20pm:
Im sick and tired of hearing people whinge about how unnafordable housing is. I own rental properties but I have worked hard for them, 7 days a week for years. Not to mention the time, money and effort poughed into these places over the years for some lazy tenant to trash. The fact is that owning your own home is a possibility for just about every working family or person in this country. However hard work and personal sacrifice is involved, this is anathema to many. The fact that many choose lifestyle choices like only working 38 hours a week and spending a large proportion of their income on entertainment, junk food and impulse buys doesnt make housing unnafordable and doesnt make landlords greedy. I resent being labelled "greedy" simply for being a hard worker prepared to sacrifice luxuries. Want your own home? Cancel your mobile phone contract, forget about buying the latest plasma TV, stop buying junk food, forget about the pub or casino on the weekend and start working hard, 2 jobs if necassary as I have done for decades. Otherwise, quit your whinging. Your lazy, Im not. Thats why I have more than you. Its called work ethic.

Bullshit, nobody asked you to buy those joints. You weren't satisfied with living in your own place and so you bought those joints because of your own greed thus denying other people a place to own. Not only that you got the benefits of tax concessions that other owner occupiers don't even get. You just had to sit tight and get the tenants to pay off those joints for you whilst you the enjoyed capital appreciation. Don't tell us about your hard luck stories. You made the choice to steal homes from other people who just wanted to own ONE place for themselves Sad

Next time invest in something that is going to provide a future for this country so you won't have to worry about tenants trashing your joint. No wonder we can't make our own cars here with all of the money plundered into property deals Sad

do you even listen to yourself? if he hadn't bought those houses you still wouldn't own a house .... stop blaming everyone else for your bad decisions.

and don't expect everyone else who DIDN'T invest in property to give your kids a job either. Let them buy and sell houses to each other and see how far that gets them Grin

See what happened in Ireland, Spain and US. Proof that you can't sustain an economy with property deals alone Wink
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In August 2021, Newcastle Coroner Karen Dilks recorded that Lisa Shaw had died “due to complications of an AstraZeneca COVID vaccination”.
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Sir lastnail
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Re: Housing Remains Unaffordable - Many Struggling.
Reply #14 - Feb 17th, 2013 at 5:04pm
John Smith wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 4:12pm:
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 2:09pm:
John Smith wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 12:01pm:
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 17th, 2013 at 10:06am:
hey what's longlosers great financial advice for these people

move to somewhere with cheaper rent ... you want CBD living, you pay. You realise nail, that to own a house you must actually make many sacrifices along the way? My dad worked two jobs 7 days a week to pay his mortgage , never went out to dinner, never bought himself any treats or toys ... my grandfather went to work across the other side of the planet to pay his ....

yeh move outwards to a place with high unemployment and minimal job prospects because there is only investment in properties and little or no investment in manufacturing Sad

how about getting rid of negative gearing rorts for a start thus discouraging hoarding of property that could be sold to people instead of rented out. Like you said rent money is dead money so give people greater opportunities to own their own home. They don't need to be paying off some greedy bastards rental property Wink

my grandfather house was in Southern Italy and when work dried up around his town he went to work in Argentina for 5 yrs and sent the money back to his wife and kids  .... don't tell me you have to move to an area with high unemployment.

How about getting rid of that attitude where you blame everyone else and stop looking for excuses? Like I said before, you want a house, you have to sacrifice.

The myth that you keep trying to perpetuate is that unless you own a piece of dirt and a tin roof to sleep under then you haven't been successful in life. It isn't. Ireland, Spain and the US are proof of what happens when you aspire to these goals whilst neglecting everything else !!

Perhaps you should think about investing in something else rather than rely on some gimmicky government manufacturing industry policy to do it for you.
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In August 2021, Newcastle Coroner Karen Dilks recorded that Lisa Shaw had died “due to complications of an AstraZeneca COVID vaccination”.
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