Annie Anthrax wrote on Feb 18
th, 2013 at 12:02am:
ian wrote on Feb 17
th, 2013 at 2:20pm:
Im sick and tired of hearing people whinge about how unnafordable housing is. I own rental properties but I have worked hard for them, 7 days a week for years. [....] The fact that many choose lifestyle choices like only working 38 hours a week and spending a large proportion of their income on entertainment, junk food and impulse buys doesnt make housing unnafordable and doesnt make landlords greedy. I resent being labelled "greedy" simply for being a hard worker prepared to sacrifice luxuries. [....] start working hard, 2 jobs if necassary as I have done for decades. Otherwise, quit your whinging. Your lazy, Im not. Thats why I have more than you. Its called work ethic.
No it isn't. It's called deranged. Do you have children? I hope not - they're probably frightened by the strange man that walks through the door because by the sound of your lifestyle, they wouldn't know who you are.
What kind of life is that? Balance is good.
depends if ian loves his job. if he does, its not sad at all , its inspirational.
whats sad is those sheeple , walking around shopping centres, buying useless trinkets and fast food (as ian rightly points out) and then bitching about having no money.
they are the ones setting a bad example for their kids.
work your arse off in something you enjoy.
get your kids outside as well.
physically and intellectually challenge them.
self esteem and sense of purpose comes through taking on challenges (a second job, climbing a mountain, running a marathon) and then admiring the view from the top.
lazy, sloppy, whinging people will always see "housing" as a struggle.
see it as a challenge. buy the cheapest sh#thole you can find and do it up.
then you can kick back on the porch with a beer and feel the satisfaction that comes with knowing
'the only time you should feel comfortable, is when youre uncomfortable"