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HillSux Church the Money Machine (Read 33170 times)
Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: HillSux Church the Money Machine
Reply #330 - Feb 26th, 2013 at 6:08am
gizmo_2655 wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 6:48pm:
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 6:24pm:
gizmo_2655 wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 6:14pm:
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 3:13pm:
corporate_whitey wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 12:49pm:
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 12:30pm:
corporate_whitey wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 11:25am:
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 10:08am:
corporate_whitey wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 9:54am:
doers are definately going to hell unless something radical happens to alter their race to their destruction... Cool

hell doesn't exist you idiot !!!

It was an idea first conceived by the ancient egyptians to stop the slaves from topping themselves because of their sh.t quality of life.  Later religions just stole the ideas because it was a good tool to manipulate people into subservience  and it obviously has worked on you !!

I am afraid ever lasting punishment in hell is promised to evil doers, you say there is no hell, but the Bible refutes you.  You point to references to the concept of a hell or an underworld in other cultures as evidence of it being a borrowed concept by the Bible and I say, wrong.  These examples in nature and history are types and shadows of a spiritual reality that has been so clearly revealed to you that you are without excuse.  The idea of hell is it is a place of punishment for the wicked, the oppressors, not the poor and the oppressed, not the holy ones, the righteous, the faithful, the peace makers, the persecuted... Smiley

i don't care what a bit of printed dunny paper says !! All of those ideas were stolen from earlier ancient religions and none them are original. You're a fool for believing that sh.t.

Watch and learn something !!

You are in error, the wisdom of the prophets is revealed knowledge and wisdom of the creator, all you are looking at is types and shadows of greater spiritual realities.  You are ignorant on sacred matters and unqualified to give profitably opinions for the edification of the people and so you should be silent and learn the mysteries of God from someone who can teach  you... Smiley

out of the 2500 documented gods which god are you talking about ?

So then the Christian God IS proven to be real??

how do you draw that conclusion ?

Your position is (roughly) that there is no proof that ANY gods exist, but you also said that there are 2500 DOCUMENTED gods...Documentation IS proof, ergo, all 2500 of those gods including the Christian on do exist..

Hahahahhaha! Well I have documentation of fairies and space travel and aliens. They must be proven true too then?

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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: HillSux Church the Money Machine
Reply #331 - Feb 26th, 2013 at 6:10am
damien wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 7:10pm:
muso wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 6:46pm:
damien wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 1:37pm:
IF I am wrong, I have lost nothing!!If you are wrong, you've lost everything!!

Iff there are only two possible worldviews.

Belief in God is 1   Smiley
Unbelief in God is 2   Cry

Have you a 3rd?? Let's hear it.   Huh

So basically you are saying that you can choose to believe something. If you choose to believe in fairies will you then believe in fairies with all your heart? What if you deep down inside know it isnt real?

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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: HillSux Church the Money Machine
Reply #332 - Feb 26th, 2013 at 6:11am
muso wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 7:56pm:
[quote author=damien link=1361190231/258#258 date=1361775929]I haven't been here all that long, but beginning to see that he likes to go around in circles.

Answers to his questions don't seem to sink in. Or at least he/she doesn't show it.

Everybody has a purpose in life, and some kind of talent that is worthwhile.

So you are joining in with the lynch mob of trolls?

go away troll

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Re: HillSux Church the Money Machine
Reply #333 - Feb 26th, 2013 at 6:14am
Wow, six post in a row from Miss Borg. Must be a record on here.

Now I can say.............Go away troll.
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: HillSux Church the Money Machine
Reply #334 - Feb 26th, 2013 at 6:15am
gizmo_2655 wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 10:28pm:
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 10:12pm:
gizmo_2655 wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 9:45pm:
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 7:00pm:
gizmo_2655 wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 6:48pm:
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 6:24pm:
gizmo_2655 wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 6:14pm:
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 3:13pm:
corporate_whitey wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 12:49pm:
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 12:30pm:
corporate_whitey wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 11:25am:
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 10:08am:
corporate_whitey wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 9:54am:
doers are definately going to hell unless something radical happens to alter their race to their destruction... Cool

hell doesn't exist you idiot !!!

It was an idea first conceived by the ancient egyptians to stop the slaves from topping themselves because of their sh.t quality of life.  Later religions just stole the ideas because it was a good tool to manipulate people into subservience  and it obviously has worked on you !!

I am afraid ever lasting punishment in hell is promised to evil doers, you say there is no hell, but the Bible refutes you.  You point to references to the concept of a hell or an underworld in other cultures as evidence of it being a borrowed concept by the Bible and I say, wrong.  These examples in nature and history are types and shadows of a spiritual reality that has been so clearly revealed to you that you are without excuse.  The idea of hell is it is a place of punishment for the wicked, the oppressors, not the poor and the oppressed, not the holy ones, the righteous, the faithful, the peace makers, the persecuted... Smiley

i don't care what a bit of printed dunny paper says !! All of those ideas were stolen from earlier ancient religions and none them are original. You're a fool for believing that sh.t.

Watch and learn something !!

You are in error, the wisdom of the prophets is revealed knowledge and wisdom of the creator, all you are looking at is types and shadows of greater spiritual realities.  You are ignorant on sacred matters and unqualified to give profitably opinions for the edification of the people and so you should be silent and learn the mysteries of God from someone who can teach  you... Smiley

out of the 2500 documented gods which god are you talking about ?

So then the Christian God IS proven to be real??

how do you draw that conclusion ?

Your position is (roughly) that there is no proof that ANY gods exist, but you also said that there are 2500 DOCUMENTED gods...Documentation IS proof, ergo, all 2500 of those gods including the Christian on do exist..

no it doesn't idiot. There is documentation of santa claus and the flying rein deer as well. Harry Potter etc. Are those all real as well ??

And how does more than one omnipotent god or gods all coexist at the one time ? Can't be omnipotent can they then Wink

Quite possibly they are right noodles (and it doesn't help your case to start with abuse you know), can you prove beyond doubt that they aren't?.

so santa claus is real is it ? How about spider man and donald duck ? Saw those documented in a comic book once Grin

you get abused because in most cases you just waste other peoples time by replying for the sake of being contrary Sad

Santa might be real....haven't got any proof that he's NOT, doubtful about Spidey and Donald, don't really accept comics as proof (they're kind of a printed Youtube), but religious texts, legends, books and folktales..those have a possibility of having some truth to them (might only be skerrick).

But nails, you abuse EVERYONE but Bobby.....does everybody waste your time by being contrary??

The thing is nails, I don't pretend to know everything about everything....I don't think there's a god (or santa or harry potter), but I'm not arrogant enough to believe that if I haven't seen it myself, then it can't be real or true, no matter what other people say.
I've never seen the Mariana Trench, or Challenger Deep, but I'm not going to run around screaming that they don't exist and that anyone who thinks they do is delusional..

Science isnt your strong suit is it? So its possible to go around the entire world in 1 night carrying billions of toys?

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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: HillSux Church the Money Machine
Reply #335 - Feb 26th, 2013 at 6:19am
Emma wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 11:02pm:
can you prove beyond doubt that they aren't?.
dumb question.... prove a negative??? 

fearful little animals aren't you/?? Cheesy

What an atheists is always only saying is: "I don't believe in god the way I can imagine him."  It is a statement about the atheist himself, in other words, and his mental landscape

I think you are a little one-eyed  there Soren you know Cyclops>?? Grin

The hi-lighted above... what garbage is that??

If you don't believe in a god any god  any number of gods...  you don't have an imaginary God in your mind...
Seems pretty obvious that those of 'religious bent',..  have absolutely NO human understanding of those who aren't.  I believe it's called something like..ummm

projection... of your world view onto others...?? something like that.  Huh


Soren claims to be a psychiatrist or psychologist or something and yet he is always projecting. You would think he would see it in himself. My brother is a psychologist and he is an enabler. Weird how these types cant find their own problems.

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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: HillSux Church the Money Machine
Reply #336 - Feb 26th, 2013 at 6:23am
Emma wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 11:59pm:

I play the devils advocate as well... sometimes...  but ..  ?? 

oh I don't know..   why stir up religious crap??  I answer 'cos someone should... this is probbaly not the wisest path to take when discussing religion...if we MUST. 

I do it, because I think the people of the world should have outgrown this old stuff by now. You know...wised up?? Sad

Yeah. Seriously how can grown ppl be believing this stuff? And the weirdest are the ones that CHANGE religions! Suddenly 1 is not "the truth" any longer but another one is! Hillsong built up its crowds out of other churches.

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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: HillSux Church the Money Machine
Reply #337 - Feb 26th, 2013 at 6:24am
gizmo_2655 wrote on Feb 26th, 2013 at 12:13am:
Sir lastnail wrote on Feb 26th, 2013 at 12:04am:
gizmo_2655 wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 11:36pm:
Emma wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 11:25pm:
fearful of what ? Gizmoid?

well perhaps you were... just like I used your argument against you..

...fearful  of  ??? 

being all alone in your head, in this best of all possible worlds, without a crutch of faith which allows you to breast the waves of doubt insecurity and fear... 

why else would anyone choose to have faith in some amorphic diety,  that gives you all the answers... or at  least... hope.??

LOL, I'm not alone in my head..the voices keep me company.

Seriously, I think you may have mistaken me for someone with some form of religious 'faith'......and you're wrong, I've been an atheist (but different to the nails type) for about 35 or so years.

you're not an atheist at all. Most of your posts you spend defending irrational religious dogma with a particlar bent for defending the Catholic institution.

Yes I am nails...
I 'defend' religious dogma, as you put it from attacks like yours that contain even more bullshit than the religions do...all that stuff from is worse than the crap the JWs spout.
And yes, i do sometimes support the Catholics from bulshit accusations, they do enough real stuff that you could complain about, without making crap up.
No point to lying about it, because you don't understand what they actually do...

Basically, I'm not religious, but I won't tell someone else not to be...what ever belief helps them get out of bed in the morning is fine by me..
I'm not gay, but I support gay marriage etc..same sort of thing.

Of course is crap - all it is is bible passages quoted.

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Re: HillSux Church the Money Machine
Reply #338 - Feb 26th, 2013 at 6:27am
And another four.

Go away troll.
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: HillSux Church the Money Machine
Reply #339 - Feb 26th, 2013 at 6:28am
gizmo_2655 wrote on Feb 26th, 2013 at 12:52am:
Emma wrote on Feb 26th, 2013 at 12:48am:
ahh .. Gizmo....

" institutionalised paedophilia, World domination, child sacrifice and all that juicy stuff. "

... you know the truth.. 
accept it and move on.

Yes Emma, i DO know the truth...and that isn't it..

Are you saying none of those things happen because its pretty obvious nowadays that the institutionalised paedophilia is in several religions.

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Re: HillSux Church the Money Machine
Reply #340 - Feb 26th, 2013 at 6:29am
Soren claims to be a psychiatrist or psychologist or something and yet he is always projecting. You would think he would see it in himself. My brother is a psychologist and he is an enabler. Weird how these types cant find their own problems.


Your brother must be adopted, hang on, maybe you are adopted..
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Sir Spot of Borg
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Re: HillSux Church the Money Machine
Reply #341 - Feb 26th, 2013 at 7:12am
KJT1981 wrote on Feb 26th, 2013 at 6:29am:
Soren claims to be a psychiatrist or psychologist or something and yet he is always projecting. You would think he would see it in himself. My brother is a psychologist and he is an enabler. Weird how these types cant find their own problems.


Your brother must be adopted, hang on, maybe you are adopted..

Go away troll

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Re: HillSux Church the Money Machine
Reply #342 - Feb 26th, 2013 at 7:15am
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Feb 26th, 2013 at 6:28am:
gizmo_2655 wrote on Feb 26th, 2013 at 12:52am:
Emma wrote on Feb 26th, 2013 at 12:48am:
ahh .. Gizmo....

" institutionalised paedophilia, World domination, child sacrifice and all that juicy stuff. "

... you know the truth.. 
accept it and move on.

Yes Emma, i DO know the truth...and that isn't it..

Are you saying none of those things happen because its pretty obvious nowadays that the institutionalised paedophilia is in several religions.


And atheists and agnostics are all innocent of this despicable crime?
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Re: HillSux Church the Money Machine
Reply #343 - Feb 26th, 2013 at 8:16am
Post pollution! Nothing but post pollution!

Spot you are a dead set spastic. A dozen post in a row that has added nothing to this thread. Half of them are you just going apeshit at people for pointing out how stupid your question was because it is you who doesn't understand written English.

You are a cancer on this forum in general and especially in regards to this topic.
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Re: HillSux Church the Money Machine
Reply #344 - Feb 26th, 2013 at 8:25am
damien wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 1:37pm:
IF I am wrong, I have lost nothing!!If you are wrong, you've lost everything!!

Belief in God is 1   Smiley
Unbelief in God is 2   Cry

Have you a 3rd?? Let's hear it.   Huh

Please explain "Belief in a God who's dead". That means, in my mind that you accept that there was a God! Trouble is you may think Him dead - or wish Him dead, but my God is definitely alive.

It comes down to your original argument (highlighted). It assumes "if you are wrong then I must be right." (an invalid assumption as I'm about to explain)

In fact there are many more belief systems. Let's suppose that the truth is that there is a creator God (or just a god), but no life after death. You may disagree with it, but it's a belief that is different from yours. It's a third case.

Let's say that it happens to be the truth - Then your original argument falls apart, as in the "You have lost everything" part. So that's a case where both you and the other party are wrong, but the other party doesn't lose anything.

Get it?

Any non-interventionist god belief falls into the same category. Any belief, religious or otherwise with no afterlife falls into the same category.

Your argument is invalid and simplistic.

(- but please continue to argue with the atheists on here. It's good to see a real Christian supporting his religion. )
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« Last Edit: Feb 26th, 2013 at 8:37am by muso »  

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