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Australian Politics
Posts: 11694
Perth WA
Maqqa wrote on Feb 24 th, 2013 at 3:41pm: Greatest boom and greatest depression all you want PN
Facts are voters are not listening to that excuse anymore
They are sick of Swan and Gillard telling lies after lies after lies
Out of interest - you can discount the 6 market crashes during 1996-2007 all you want but it happened. You keep telling yourself that this one crash in 2008 is bigger than all the others combined Unlike your attempts at SPIN, to direct opinion in one direction (the Liberals), I am only interested in Facts & likely directions, arising from facts!
Based on those facts & likely directions, I have already said previously, on many occasions, that the Liberals will win the next election.
So, I have agreed that voters have switched off Labor!
As for the rest of your post, I'll take it as an admission that you did not respond already to the information I raised, as you previously claimed!
Btw, you MAY be interested in the table on the following website, which lists the Deficits/Surpluses for a number of countries. Most countries show Deficits, BUT Norway is a glaring example, where Surpluses are ingained into Politics.
The chart at the following site also shows ups & downs, BUT in Norway they have always showed a Surplus since 2000, no matter whether the Right or Left of Politics is in government! FYI the Left have been in power since 2005 and their lowest surplus was 9.7%, with their hightest being 19.7%. Prior to that the Right had something similar, with their lowest surplus being 7.3% and their highest being 15.7%.
Finally, the following website gives a run down on Norway.
The Economy & Resources areas make for some "interesting viewing -
Norwegians enjoy the second highest GDP per-capita and fourth highest GDP (PPP) per-capita in the world. Today, Norway ranks as the second wealthiest country in the world in monetary value, with the largest capital reserve per capita of any nation.
The Norwegian economy is an example of a mixed economy, a prosperous capitalist welfare state featuring a combination of free market activity and large state ownership in certain key sectors. The Norwegian welfare state makes public health care free (above a certain level), and parents have 46 weeks paid parental leave.
As of March 2011, the Government Pension Fund of Norway controlled assets valued at is approximately US$570 billion which is about 140% of Norway's current GDP.
Norway has a very low unemployment rate, currently 2.6%. 30% of the labour force are employed by the government, the highest in the OECD. The hourly productivity levels, as well as average hourly wages in Norway are among the highest in the world.
The state has large ownership positions in key industrial sectors, such as the strategic petroleum sector (Statoil and Aker Solutions), hydroelectric energy production (Statkraft), aluminium production (Norsk Hydro), the largest Norwegian bank (DnB NOR), and telecommunication provider (Telenor).
Now, whilst there are certainly differences between Norway & Australia, Norway does demostrate that Left wing Politicians can do a good job, just as can the Right wing Politicians. And, in Norway, they have both shown they can work together, for the betterment of the entire Public, WHICH IS NOT SOMETHING THAT ANY OF OUR OZ POLITICIANS CAN REASONABLY CLAIM! Btw, if the OZ Future Fund was doing as well as the Norway Fund, THEN WE WOULD HAVE AROUND $2 TRILLION, NOT $60 BILLION.
Of course, at the other end of the spectrum the USA has around $200 Trillion in "unfunded Liabities" related to their Aging Population.
It will be interesting to see how Norway fares, with the Baby Boomer Retirement constriction now moving in and they already have only a 2.6% Unemployment rate, it will shortly start to get very restrictive in the "skilled Labour" area AND some tough decisions LOOM!