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Karma's a bi tch (Read 899 times)
John Smith
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Australian Politics

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Karma's a bi tch
Feb 25th, 2013 at 6:53pm
Twiggy is trying to stop being done to him what he's been doing to others for years .. Karma's a bitch isn't she?

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I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Christ Light

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Re: Karma's a bi tch
Reply #1 - Mar 24th, 2013 at 2:24pm

Abbott criticised for supporting priest
Updated: 14:17, Sunday March 24, 2013


Tony Abbott should not have vouched for a priest in court, says a man who was allegedly sexually abused by the priest as a teenager.

John Gerard Nestor, 50, was a priest in the Wollongong diocese in NSW when he was charged with the indecent assault of the then-14-year-old altar boy.

In his 1997 court case, the priest admitted he had slept on mattresses on a floor with the boy and his younger brother in July 1991, but denied assaulting the boy.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, then a federal parliamentary secretary to the employment minister, told the court Mr Nestor was an upright and virtuous man whom he had known since 1984 while studying at Sydney's St Patrick's Seminary to become a priest.

'He was ... a beacon of humanity at the seminary,' Mr Abbott said.

The magistrate found Mr Nestor guilty and sentenced him to jail.

But in October 1997, the conviction was overturned on appeal - in part because of doubts cast on the accuracy of the boy's evidence - and Mr Nestor never served any time behind bars.

After the court case, the Catholic church never allowed Mr Nestor to return to ministry, because it sourced 'significant additional material' relating to further complaints made against him.

Around 2008, the Vatican officially struck off Mr Nestor from the clergy list.

Mr Nestor told AAP in February Mr Abbott was 'a man of integrity' in agreeing to provide the character reference.

However, in an interview with AAP, the alleged victim, who asked not to be named, said Mr Abbott should not have provided a character reference for Mr Nestor.

'I was not aware of who Tony Abbott was at the time,' he said.

'While I do not necessarily believe that he has done anything wrong, in hindsight it may have been better if he had not involved himself in the matter.'

It is understood Mr Abbott communicated with Mr Nestor twice after the court cases, but has had no contact with him for almost 15 years.

'In 1997, Mr Abbott provided a reference for Mr Nestor in an open court. He was subsequently acquitted by a District Court judge,' a spokesman for Mr Abbott told AAP.

The alleged victim queried why Mr Abbott hadn't stayed in contact with Mr Nestor.

'If someone was of such good character, why has contact not been kept?' he asked.

He said Mr Abbott's reference may have been a factor in Mr Nestor's successful appeal.

'Certainly a character reference from a member of parliament would hold some sway, no doubt about it,' he said.

'It probably did play a big part, but there were other things that played a bigger part. For example, John Nestor never gave evidence at the trial. He was never cross-examined.'

He said his case should be examined by the royal commission into child sex abuse.
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Re: Karma's a bi tch
Reply #2 - Mar 24th, 2013 at 4:01pm
John Smith wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 6:53pm:
Twiggy is trying to stop being done to him what he's been doing to others for years .. Karma's a bitch isn't she?

How very ironic

He may have made his fortune mining iron ore but Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest does not want any mining activity on his family land in Western Australia.

According to reports, the mining tycoon is suing to prevent uranium exploitation on his 500,000-acre ranch in Minderoo, Western Australia.

Mr Forrest is attempting to fight off exploration pressure from sand miner Yarri Mining Pty Ltd and a uranium project from Cauldron Energy, reports.

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The Right Wing only believe in free speech when they agree with what is being said.
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Sir lastnail
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Re: Karma's a bi tch
Reply #3 - Mar 24th, 2013 at 5:16pm
John Smith wrote on Feb 25th, 2013 at 6:53pm:
Twiggy is trying to stop being done to him what he's been doing to others for years .. Karma's a bitch isn't she?

It's a case of do as I say not what I do Wink

What goes around comes around Grin

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In August 2021, Newcastle Coroner Karen Dilks recorded that Lisa Shaw had died “due to complications of an AstraZeneca COVID vaccination”.
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John Smith
Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 74708
Gender: male
Re: Karma's a bi tch
Reply #4 - Mar 24th, 2013 at 7:55pm
I wonder if the libs will do what they've been preaching labor should have done for the last 5 yrs ?????

I'm betting it will be a case of Twiggyitis ... 'I do to you but don't do to me'.
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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