corporate_whitey wrote on Mar 3
rd, 2013 at 9:56am:
Damien, you have been avoiding this question, what is your bank account numberand your real name and address and where do you work...what are you trying to hide?
Good to see that you are on the attack. But where oh where did you ask those questions before? Oh, what's that? Just made them up now!!
I think that you belong to some hate filled cult - unless you can provide info otherwise. What do you have to hide in identifying your denomination? Or perhaps no one wants you.
Question - how do you know that you are one of God's chosen? And if God does chose one to go to heaven and another to go to hell (which of course is not true) does that mean that the one that is God chosen can then do what he wants to do? You would have to admit that that could be the case.
NO, NO, NO!! God knows who is going to choose the right way - He does not select!! Christ died for all - not the select 144,000 that you think!! John 3:16, in your opinion must be wrong, as it says..."For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that
WHOSOEVER believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life". Are you now going to tell us all that that verse got it wrong.