John Smith wrote on Mar 16
th, 2013 at 2:29pm:
how else can someone justify a belief in something that doesn't exist?
This happens very regularly. Post-modern atheists are no exception. Generally, the modern-day atheist is an egalitarian and a believer in equality. Where does equality exist? Where does the complete harmonious society exist? It doesn't. They are nothing but ideals and thus mental images in the heads of the modern day atheist.
Being a materialist, how does the post-modern atheist reconcile this? How can you critique religion from a materialist standpoint, but then go on to believe in immaterial ideas yourself?
Religious people are consistent on this point. Rarely do they try and justify their religion on material and/or empirical grounds. They do it, rather, on faith. But the materialist cannot justify their ideals on faith, as they would break one of their cardinal rules. So how does it ground equality when no empirical evidence of it exists?
It is doubly ironic that the post-modern atheist also gets these ideas of equality, harmony etc from religion. Atheists did not invent them; they inherited them from the past. They want to bring the religious heaven down to earth; establish nirvana in the phenomenal realm.
Today's peculiar brand of atheism is not as smart as it thinks it is. They just swallow slogans without thinking them through to their consequences.
you want to compare belief in a fictional overlord to equality and harmony etc?
we can strive for things like equality, it is simply a way in which we would like to improve humanity as we see it . We cannot strive to become gods ... unless you are insane like whitey... A rather poor example I think.