Dnarever wrote on Mar 13
th, 2013 at 2:40pm:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Mar 13
th, 2013 at 1:19pm:
Dnarever wrote on Mar 13
th, 2013 at 1:16pm:
Conservatives do not like the truth at all.
There's that broad brush again.
Bit like saying all Left wingers are tree huggers and poofters.
It was an observation based on the comments of the conservatives here on this topic.
The conclusion seems reasonable.
Surprised to see someone without bias like you take the conservative line again, about the 10,000th time in a row I would think. At some point maybe you should re consider your level of biaslessness.
the way i see it is this. people who are good in business and smart tend to make more money.
they also tend to be able to see what effects , different policy options will have on the economy (and the ability of the economy to provide more prosperity).
so when a rich person says, increasing welfare is a disincentive and will take the prosperity of ALL australians backwards.
is this a rich person talking from interest ?
or a smart person (a street smart person) who simply understands the impact of policy?
to be honest, i make heaps and a lot more than i need.
as a buddhist , i dont really care about showing off my wealth and lets face it, it only impresses the aspiring middle classes who are often not very nice people (the "keeping up with the jones set") but i do love my country and my kids and i love people who try hard and i want to see them suceed and have a prosperous life.
and i think rich people should practice philanthropy in the way many americans do.
but i am smart enough to see the writing on the wall.
whinging about more welfare (government welfare that is) is simply the wrong policy for australia.
i'm happy to see my tax dollars put into education or reducing hecs fees or the environment but welfare is the wrong model for australia in the next century.
and thats speaking as a smart person, not through my hip pocket. welfare money can be channelled into money for training or business start ups for the poor but if just given as $$$ it will end up being wasted and the problem will continue to worsen. we should aim to have less than 10 % of people recieving any governent hand outs, at all. and the same goes for business. welfare to business sends the wrong message and weakens australia.