Note to all Pubketeers: This post isn’t by me, it’s by Vote1Julia. It appears under my name only as a sponsored post.
It contains some great ideas and is 100% appropriate for today, the anniversary of Keating’s amazing victory in 1993.
Yesterday, March 13th is the twentieth anniversary of PM Keating’s 1993 election victory. Keating said on the night,
“This is the Sweetest Victory of All, this is a Victory for the True Believers; the people who in difficult times have kept the faith..[this is] very much a victory of Australian values because it was Australian values on the line and the Liberal Party wanted to change Australia from the country it’s become, a cooperative, decent nice, place to live, where people have regard for one another…..”
Never have words from our political history had such prophetic relevance to today’s political situation.
The coming Federal Election is not “Labor v. Coalition” but “Labor + Australian Values v. Coalition”, representing the vested interests of Murdoch OM + Money Moguls.
Labor can win in 6 months’ time but it cannot rely on any of the following happening:
Abbott unhinging. He hasn’t so far and any gaffes will be ignored / spun away by OM.
- The AFP investigating the Ashby / Slipper affair and exposing the coalition’s role in the conspiracy.
- The Craig Thomson affair being exposed as a setup.
- The ABC returning to unbiased political reportage.
- The ALP being given a fair go in getting its policies communicated by OM.
Labor can and will win by focussing on policies that underpin these Australian Values. It has such policies in abundance.
The NDIS, the NBN, an affordable Paid Parental Scheme, MRRT, Carbon Price, Tax, Health & Hospital Reform, Education & Training, better targeted Welfare (to pensioners & lower income families) are ones that come to mind.
Abbott’s Coalition have no policies based on Australian Values – just the vested interests of the few in the Privateer Class who only want to plunder Australians’ wealth.
However, Old Media will not call them out on it. They will not report that Emperor Apparent Abbott has no clothes.
Whether it is groupthink that the Government has lost anyway, or as Paul Barry said on Q & A, wtte “… if you want to work in Australian journalism don’t piss off Rupert Murdoch,” they will not report fact but foist upon us opinion based on falsehood.
So our Labor Government’s excellent values policy messages are ignored and the OM focuses on sensationalist faux leadershit, and the polls, the POLLS, THE POLLS. They are (paraphrasing) like the sheep in Orwell’s Animal Farm, “Labor everything bad, Coalition everything good (anything bad: ignore)”.
The WA state election result has driven the shills into overdrive. It is all over for Labor. Yeah right. They said the same about Keating in 1993. It was going to be Hewson’s “Unloseable Election” just like today it is going to be Abbott’s unloseable election.
Well, it’s time for some mulesing of the sheep in the Australian media pack (and if some “accidential” castration occurs to the rams, that’s just collateral damage.)
We need to bypass the OM. You and I as individuals can make a difference and play an important role in Abbott’s coming downfall.
To demonstrate this, I am going to make some broad quantitative psephological assumptions to make a qualitative point. (Apologies to Antony Green and Andrew Catsaras if they ever read this.)
In the
2010 election there were 12,402,363 votes. 2PP was 50.12%(Labor) : 49.88% (Coalition) with Labor suffering a swing against it of 2.58%
I am assuming in 2013 there will 13,000,000 votes (To keep the maths simple).
I also will assume that Labor will have a net swing of 1.5% in 2013 (this represents 195,000 votes). This is feasible as they enjoyed 1.54% swing in 1993 and 1.5% represents a claw back of 58% of the swing against them in 2010. 195,000 votes can be achieved. (Labor was also written off by a shrill OM way before the election, just like today. So
1993 is a valid electoral comparison IMHO.)
This would mean (assuming a uniform swing and holding on to all existing seats) that Labor would win according to
Antony Green’s 2013 Electoral Pendulum six seats, namely Boothby(SA) LIB 0.6%, Hasluck (WA) LIB 0.6%, Aston (VIC) LIB 0.7%, Dunkley (VIC) LIB 1.1%, Brisbane (QLD) LNP 1.1% and Macquarie (NSW) LIB 1.3%. An additional 6 six seats would give Labor 78 seats in the new Parliament, just like they achieved in 1993.