Quote:This is the Sweetest Victory of All, this is a Victory for the True Believers; the people who in difficult times have kept the faith..[this is] very much a victory of Australian values because it was Australian values on the line and the Liberal Party wanted to change Australia from the country it’s become, a cooperative, decent nice, place to live, where people have regard for one another…..”
Yes how I cringe when I hear that moron and his oh so arrogant speech. The GST election when Keating sold Australia down the garden path just so he could get a few more years in the chair to feed his humongously arrogant ego.
Hewson's "Fightback" if implemented as proposed would arguably have seen fiscally a very different Australia than at present.
One of those classic turning points.
Dragging this speech out as some sort of poster boy for the Labor party is hilarious.
Just think of what that extra 5% GST income for the last 20years would have done to the nation's health and education systems. that is Labor's perpetual whinging pot.
Keating and his block brained heard of supporters sliced off their Collective noses to spite their comrade faces in one of Australian political history's greatest balls ups.
We got the GST eventually, a doddery watered down version but 1993 was a crucially missed opportunity
due to idiot Keating and his heard of idiot True Believers......
(take a bow Wisey)
....I suspect that many of Ozpol resident Lefties barrrrrrred along to Keating's song and now have the ultimate incredible hide to whinge about health, education and welfare funding....