John S wrote on Mar 15
th, 2013 at 3:23pm:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Mar 15
th, 2013 at 8:34am:
Just how was anyone supposed to know your mother died 30 years ago? Using your mum to try to score points is just pathetic...
I didn't mention my mother to score points i was just standing up for someone that is dead
As far as I am concern family shouldn't be mention on here at all unless the member brings them into the discussion. Like andrei has mention his family that many time they are fair play but armpit I would never mention your family because you have never said anything about them.
So lets get back to andrei how come he hasn't said anything more about the money he is earning
John S wrote on Mar 14
th, 2013 at 2:54pm:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Mar 14
th, 2013 at 12:54pm:
The going rate for a 6 year post qualified accountant at Director level - which is me - is $480 per hour my friend.
Taking my annual salary divided by the hours worked, I also operate on $145 per hour.
So let's move on shall we you retard.
Have you got 2 dicks andrei cause you couldn't be that stupid thinking that we believe you when you say you earn $480.00 p/h that works out to $19200 p/w and no company would pay that much money for accountant.
like I said in another post
Quote:You do the maths idiot $480.00 p/h works out to $19200 p/w multiply that by 50 to get a yearly wage and it comes to over $900000 p/a and he has all ready said that he earns $250000 p/a.
So which one is a lie and he reckons I am thick
It show me one of three things
- He has said on multiple times that he has negotiate his pay and conditions, he must be a bad negotiating to only get a shade over 25% of the going rate of pay.
- He is not a top accountant likes he makes out to be.
- He is a lying on everything he says about his employment.
So which one is it andrei
I am going to respond once on this because you are a fricking moron and don't understand anything anyway.
So for just this ONE TIME.
As a Chartered Accountant, if I billed out my services to companies (like in a Chartered Accounting practice) the level of skills I have, the level of experience and qualification would mean I would be billing at roughly a rate $480-600 per hour.
Vice Presidents and Senior Fellows would bill at a rate of $800-1000 per hour.
That's what large companies would pay for a Chartered Accounting service fee.
Now I don't bill, because I am not in practice. I work for a multi-national in divisional finance.
As a result you take my salary, divide it by the 48 weeks I work and my hourly rate would be around $130-$140.
Done, dusted.
Let us hear no more of it.
Other than you are thick, I am not and my education sh*ts, literally sh*ts all over a moron like yours.
In fact people like you should only speak to people like me when I pay you for cutting the grass.
My parents didn't fork out hundreds of thousands of pounds for me to be conversing with deadbeats like you.
Finito benito (or John as he is known on here).