cods wrote on Mar 16
th, 2013 at 7:29am:
saulty would you please tell us what you are talking about....
what/where has oakeshott complained.....and what about????
'Going nowhere fast'
Proposed media reforms
The appointment of a Public Interest Media Advocate (PIMA) to oversee self-regulatory bodies such as the Press Council.
The PIMA, who will be appointed by the Minister, will decree whether a media complaints handling body is "authorised". Only media organisations that are members of an authorised body are able to maintain their exemptions to privacy laws.
The PIMA will also use a new public interest test to allow or prevent nationally significant media mergers.
An extension of the Government's commercial television licence fee rebate - saving free-to-air television networks an estimated $134 million this financial year.
A removal of the 75 per cent audience reach rule that prevents metropolitan television stations from owning partners in regional areas.
An update to the charters governing the ethics and behaviour of the ABC and SBS to reflect online and digital activities.
Mr Oakeshott says he is unhappy with the Government's wish to have the full package of legislation rushed through.
He will sit on the parliamentary committee that is considering one part of the media package on regional content.
Mr Oakeshott says if he is not satisfied by Monday's committee hearing, he is not going to back the Government.
"In the end, if that can't be resolved, certainly from my point of view, I'm going nowhere fast with this," he said.
"That would pretty well rule me out completely if we can't resolve the importance of local content."
Fellow independent MP Tony Windsor says he does not believe there is no wriggle room in the Federal Government's media laws.
Mr Windsor says despite what Senator Conroy says, he thinks there is room to manoeuvre.
"I've heard ministers and others say over time 'I can't move, it's rock solid and we can't adjust it' - well nothing is rock solid in politics and neither should it be," he said.
"One of the great benefits of a hung parliament is everybody gets to have their say."
Former Labor MP Craig Thomson says the proposed laws are a "missed opportunity" and has urged fellow crossbenchers to join him in voting against the reforms