Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Mar 21
st, 2013 at 11:28am:
It was a completely different discussion - months apart - and nothing to do with this one.
Yes I have been on an F111. Why the heck is that so unbelievable? My wife was in the RAAF and worked on them.
I think Ill call bullshit early on this one.
Judging by your age and assuming your aren't married to a 20 - 30 yr old, she would have served about the same time as myself.
Condidering there were only three of four females tradies working on pigs at the time (70-80s), there is an absolute 100% chance i know her.
Tell me her mustering and Ill give you her (maiden) name, even tell everyone that your are not totally full of sh1t, at least on this occasion.
I even have photos of two of them.
You, like your compadres hate those who serve and take every opportunity to denigrate them. So do you really feel like maintaining this lie?