Chard wrote on Mar 24
th, 2013 at 11:26am:
Spot, If you were claiming she was USAF I'd ask for things like what squadron/wing she was with at the time, what her MOS was, who her CO/1STSGT was ect. Pretty sure the same questions work for service in the RAAF. So...
What squadron/wing or the RAAF equivalent was she in? The were only so many that operated the 111, so who was she with?
Who was her squadron and wing or RAAF equivalent commanding officer and seniormost non-commissioned officers?
Was she an actual aircraft maintainer and if so what area of specilization (A&P mech, avionics tech, ect)?
These are all easy to answer questions to answer.
There were very few female maintainers in the RAAF during the F111's time in service; a sqadron, mustering and a year is all that is needed to work out who it was.
I have a mate who has been at Amberley since 1983 as an F111 and F18 maintainer; one phone call is all it would take, more than cover the time after I left
But as per usual ol' borgy has been caught out and anyone who questions his lies is immediately called a troll.
And this tool wonders why no-one believes anything he has to say, friggen muppet.