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Australia Paying 64 Times More For Medications. (Read 1486 times)
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Australia Paying 64 Times More For Medications.
Mar 18th, 2013 at 6:39am
Australia paying 64 times more for medications

    March 18, 2013

Australia is wasting more than a billion dollars a year by paying up to 64 times too much for some prescription drugs, according to a former top federal health bureaucrat.     Shocked

In a report for the Grattan Institute think tank, Stephen Duckett, a former secretary of the Commonwealth Health Department, compared drug prices paid by the federal government under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme with those paid by New Zealand and by the public hospital systems of two Australian states.

He found that if Australia paid the prices New Zealand pays for 62 identical drugs, it would save $1.1 billion a year. The Commonwealth would save $1.4 million a day if it paid New Zealand prices for the cholesterol-lowering drug atorvastatin, which is marketed by Pfizer under the name Lipitor.

The Commonwealth pays an average of 10 times as much as New Zealand for the top 10 drugs by volume. New Zealand's Pharmaceutical Management Agency is an independent expert body which purchases drugs from within a budget set by government.     Sad

Professor Duckett said having a fixed budget strengthened the arm of the agency in price negotiations with drug companies.

In contrast, spending on Australia's Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme - projected to be almost $10 billion this financial year - is uncapped, and a pricing authority containing one-third pharmaceutical industry representation makes pricing recommendations to the health minister.

But the report said New Zealand was not alone in paying lower prices, finding that if the Commonwealth paid the prices Western Australia pays for 39 identical drugs, it would save $750 million a year. The Commonwealth pays 64 times the price Western Australia pays for the anti-psychotic drug olanzapine.

Professor Duckett also called on the Commonwealth to insist on greater discounts when drugs come off patent. While the price the Commonwealth pays for a drug is cut by 16 per cent when the patent expires, many nations demand much greater reductions.

Medicines Australia chief executive Brendan Shaw said the report was a ''guide to how to turn your health system into that of a third world country''.

''Australia is not a developing country. We should be able to afford a good health system,'' he said.    

A spokesman for Health Minister Tanya Plibersek said the government had already reduced the price of 1400 drugs, delivering almost $2 billion in savings.

''While the savings identified in the report are significant, there are a range of factors which the government considers when setting medicines policy,'' the spokesman said.

An agreement between the Commonwealth and the medicines industry, preventing the government from making price-related savings to the PBS expires in July 2014.

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Beware of cheap imitations......

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Re: Australia Paying 64 Times More For Medications.
Reply #1 - Mar 18th, 2013 at 7:42am
......when something is free it gets scammed and abused.

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Innocent bystander
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Re: Australia Paying 64 Times More For Medications.
Reply #2 - Mar 18th, 2013 at 8:26am
Yep, basically the Health and Education sectors have hijacked the federal and state budgets for their own ends.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia Paying 64 Times More For Medications.
Reply #3 - Mar 18th, 2013 at 11:49am
The church will fix all of these problems...soon and fight atheism...
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Re: Australia Paying 64 Times More For Medications.
Reply #4 - Mar 18th, 2013 at 12:26pm
When I was on lipitor i saw the govt price of $120. I seriously doubt that NZ gets it for $2.  My guess is the 64 times is for one or two rare grugs and the rest are not that different.

but compare this to the USA where people die because they cant affird the drugs we get supplied cheaply.
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John Smith
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Re: Australia Paying 64 Times More For Medications.
Reply #5 - Mar 18th, 2013 at 12:32pm
of course drug companies will try to milk the system for all they can, they have been doing so since the system began, regardless of who is in govt

that however does not mean we trash an otherwise perfectly good system ... the benefits to the public far outweigh the costs.
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I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: Australia Paying 64 Times More For Medications.
Reply #6 - Mar 18th, 2013 at 3:05pm
yeah youre comparing apples with oranges crook.

for example a drug like olanzapine is probably provided almost free to state hospitals , in the hope that patients newly admitted to a state hospital will be presribed it for years in the community where the feds pick up the cost for ongoing schizophrenic meds.

so sayin it is 64 times dearer to the feds is a bit of a furfy.

the model is a bit like the computer printer model. they just loss lead to get you hooked on their brand and then make the profits later.

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Re: Australia Paying 64 Times More For Medications.
Reply #7 - Mar 18th, 2013 at 4:48pm
longweekend58 wrote on Mar 18th, 2013 at 12:26pm:
When I was on lipitor i saw the govt price of $120. I seriously doubt that NZ gets it for $2.  My guess is the 64 times is for one or two rare grugs and the rest are not that different.

but compare this to the USA where people die because they cant affird the drugs we get supplied cheaply.

Medicines Australia chief executive Brendan Shaw said the report was a ''guide to how to turn your health system into that of a third world country''.

''Australia is not a developing country. We should be able to afford a good health system,'' he said.    

A spokesman for Health Minister Tanya Plibersek said the government had already reduced the price of 1400 drugs, delivering almost $2 billion in savings.
I wonder if Brendan Shaw and Pilbersek own shares in the drug companies.
Australia is to generous with the health service, people should have to pay a certain percentage of the cost of the drug, then there would be more pressure on the drug companies.
I know people who always want the best and latest drug on the market , as long as someone else pays for it, people who have double my income.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia Paying 64 Times More For Medications.
Reply #8 - Mar 18th, 2013 at 5:06pm
The Big pharma and Government have an obligation to supply medicines to the poor as cheaply as possible...
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Christ Light

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Re: Australia Paying 64 Times More For Medications.
Reply #9 - Mar 23rd, 2013 at 6:06pm

Cancer Halted In Five Patients After Treatment With Own Genetically Modified Cells

Results of the early-stage trial demonstrate that it may be possible to use the gene-therapy technique to control cancers in relapsed patients


A new form of cancer treatment has resulted in five patients experiencing complete remission of their disease with no detectable cancerous cells, scientists announced today.
The patients had all experienced a serious relapse of a form of cancer of the white blood cells, called B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, before they received transfusions of their own immune cells that had been genetically modified with an extra cancer-fighting gene.
Doctors treating the patients said that the results of the early-stage trial demonstrate that it may be possible to use the gene-therapy technique to control cancers in relapsed patients so that they can undergo a bone-marrow transplant with a donor’s blood stem cells, leading to a complete cure.
The patients had initially undergone chemotherapy to control their cancers but, as so often happens, the disease returned and could not be treated further by the same approach because the cancerous cells had developed resistance to the drugs.
Scientists at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York developed a form of targeted immunotherapy based on inserting an additional gene into the patients’ white blood cells that enabled these cells to identify and destroy any cancerous cells circulating in the bloodstream.
“Patients with relapsed B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia resistant to chemotherapy have a particularly poor prognosis,” said Renier Brentjens of the cancer centre and lead author of the study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.
“This ability of our approach to achieve complete remissions in all of these very sick patients is what makes these findings so remarkable and this novel therapy so promising,” Dr Brentjens said.
Read the full article
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