corporate_whitey wrote on Mar 22
nd, 2013 at 8:40am:
Political Atheists like Tony Abbott must change...meally mouthed appologies are not enough, they must renounce fully their abuses and recognize that none of us are their possessions or properties and that they as leaders must be our servants and not our masters...They must cease abusing children, abusing mothers and abusing the natural bond between mother abnd child. The State atheists must renounce child abduction, they must desist from all policies that discriminate against the poor with suitable employment and training oportunities and they must renounce the atheistic bigotry of Darwin, Marx, Mao, Hitler, Lenin and Pol Pot. Australian people are not their consumers and the mothers are not the receopticals of their economic property. Its time to put Jesus CFhrist front and centre in the Government and respect and care for the poor as God says they are fully entitled to be cared for with decent work and socia security. No longer can we tolerate the waste and the injustices and the wars of State Atheism...
I applaud your sincerity and concern for others
However, whilst I believe Christianity in particular produces a more ethical society, it's also responsible for many ills. Six of one, half a dozen of the other, therefore
For example, in the early 70s, one of our junior employees related the tale of her older sister. The older sister fell pregnant to her long-term boyfriend. The girls' mother, a devout Roman Catholic, reported the boy, who was imprisoned for 'carnel knowledge'
His girlfriend gave birth to their child under .. obviously .. the most traumatic of circumstances, exacerbated by her Roman Catholic mother who laid a heavy guilt trip on the girl and then forced the girl to sign over the child for adoption
The boy emerged from prison. Married his girlfriend once they were of age. They had four further children. And spent years trying to find their first child which had been adopted
Lost track of our young employee, so don't know if that young couple was ever able to find their stolen child or even to reunite with it
No apology, from any of the 'adults' involved, could diminish one hundredth of one percent of their enduring suffering. Nor could any belated apology, four plus decades later, from any mealy mouthed politician