sir prince duke alevine
Let's get one thing clear for all those out there who actually believe Tony is the soul responsible for Labor's detrimental problems; this myth has very little substance if we look at the history of events. In fact, if we look at Tony's opposition style it is intrinsically negative and completely void of any inspiring alternative.
History tells us that in early 2010 Rudd and his team of 4 met to discuss their policies and at that meeting Rudd was pushed by Gillard and Swan to drop his ETS agenda given its failure to pass the Senate. So, if we want to congratulate Tony on anything its nothing more than his constant opposition to anything of significant importance. However, Rudd's scalp is not Tony's for the taking; its Gillard's and Swans. And from that one decision made by Rudd thanks to his two deputies, Labor began its roll down the hill.
The election result in 2010 was also not of Tony's doing, but rather Gillard and Swan. Even to this day when the electorate is asked why they don't like Gillard, it is not because of Tony's "better alternative" or because of Liberal party's better policy. The one theme that is always brought up is of Gillard's betrayal of Rudd, and her "knifing" of her leader. Fortunately, Australia has had quite stable governments for the duration of the Federation in comparison to others, which has resulted in very few coups. In addition, our stability has portrayed the government as quite irrelevant to the average Australian's life, and so many in the electorate, the majority I'd say, are simply not intune. This is made clear when all we hear is, "Rudd was democratically elected, how could she get rid of him?" Which is obviously complete inaccurate, and only goes to show how much Australians misunderstood. So, given all of this it is very understandable to see the anger in the electorate for Gillard. She killed their leader. She took power "undemocratically".
All of the above, of course, has NOTHING to do with Tony. It could've been Slipper as the opposition leader, and as long as he had pushed his party to go against the ETS which resulted in the meeting of Rudd and his kitchen table, the outcome today would be completely the same. It was Gillard's lust for power and more than likely Rudd's lack of respect and support within his own party that has actually led to where we are today.
This of course leads us into many problems. For one, we are about to elect in September, a man who is yet to have an approval rating in the positive. He is simply the man we don't like less. He isn't inspiring. He isn't our leader. Put simply, all he is is not Gillard. And this is, put plainly, scary. We are about to vote in a person who has had almost no vetting; a person who has had so many differing opinions on issues that it is almost impossible to tell where stands on anything. We are about to vote in a party of people who consist of many we've tried before and previously kicked out, others who can only be seen as conservative radicals in modern politics, and lastly those that we know little about but even if they are any good they'll be a small voice in a party gone so far away from their founding ideals that Menzies would be turning inside his grave.
It's very, very telling that today we have yet again had Tony make yet another gaffe, which I'm sure he'll make amends for after having his usual moment of hindsight. It's also very telling that we have been listening to the education minister to be continually blame our addiction to smaller class room sizes as the soul problem in our education system; no one's bother to tell him that perhaps it was part of the problem and now it's time to look at the next problems rather than simply blaming the teachers. Instead, we're too busy focusing on Gillard and Labors infighting and poor policy decisions.
It is very uninspiring what we are now going through. And that, in my opinion, is the worst thing you could ask for from your elected representatives. Like I've said before, leading by mandates and pampering to the masses is not leadership. Leadership should be academic. It is very very easy to sit back and be conservative, and claim that the best thing a government can do is nothing. And to only ever do anything that has the majority support of an uninterested electorate, many of whom wouldn't understand the legislation put before them and its merits or downfalls. But truth be told, progression is what has made Australian society what it is. It's what has made all developed world what it is. It has been those leaders who didn't just sit back and say, "Well the electorate thinks its a good idea". "In the national interest" was not just a catchphrase. It's been those leaders who've governed in the interest of society, and we didn't have to necessary like them, but we respected them. We don't have this today. We don't have it in Gillard. We don't have it in Tony. And that is very, very sad. No real alternatives. No read leader to choose and be proud of. Only the usual pampering on lacklustre mediocre issues that can never make our society an absolute great.
Well done Gillard. Well done Labor. You've really out performed yourselves today.