I don't 'hate' him. Hate is way too personal a term. I don't personally know him
However, I do detest him
It's my personal opinion that Rudd is mentally unstable
The way he speaks, for one: that 'Schoolkid reading a book to the class' voice he uses. It's not normal. It's not manly. It's affected. He sounds like a precocious ten-year old who's in love with himself
Then there are the Transvestite-type asides which he injects into his Schoolkid-Reading-a-Book style monologues about himself -- when he inserts what he appears to believe is Bruce Willis type 'menace' .... as in his lowered voice as he hissed, 'It's not going to happen' --- accompanied by a glare like a bitter old auntie who's cake got second-prize at the fete
* All the posturing * the monologues about himself -- always about him * the Bates Motel type voices and facial tics * the self-pity -- invariably when he's caused the problem himself * the blaming of others - when he's to blame * the attempts to sound like fifty different people simultaneously * the venom * the anger * the weirdness * the petulance * the temper tantrums, like a spoiled brat * his utter self-absorption to the exclusion of everyone, everything else * his self-promotion - which isn't matched by reality * his vengefulness * his spitefulness * his unfettered, massive, beyond belief size ego * his conceit * his impotence * his self-serving disloyalty
Just the sight -- let alone the sound -- of Rudd blathering on endlessly about himself ... is enough to cause me to switch off the tv
He seems to believe he is a combination of Churchill, Menzies, JFK, Caesar, Einstein, John Wayne and an entire battalion of Rhodes Scholars, plus
He seems to believe it his destiny to be the ultimate, entire-world's Grand Statesman
To me, Rudd is an impotent, gender-confused little twat who spent (and spends) WAY too much time with himself, envisioning himself as an acknowledged mental and political Giant. In other words, it's my belief he's delusional -- is extremely fantasy-prone -- is literally IN LOVE WITH HIMSELF. To the point I suspect he probably kisses his own reflection in mirrors and hogs the bathroom in order to do so constantly
I think he's mad as a hatter and I'm glad he's been shot down, hopefully for good and in time for an army of psychiatrists to put him in a padded cell for the duration
So I don't know why others hate him
but above are my opinions of him
I think he's nuts -- flat out nuts