PZ547 wrote on Mar 23
rd, 2013 at 1:20pm:
It's my personal opinion that Rudd is mentally unstable
Well, you don't personally know him like you said, so you wouldn't know if he was.
PZ547 wrote on Mar 23
rd, 2013 at 1:20pm:
The way he speaks, for one: that 'Schoolkid reading a book to the class' voice he uses. It's not normal. It's not manly. It's affected.
I agree he's eccentric and not normal.
PZ547 wrote on Mar 23
rd, 2013 at 1:20pm:
He sounds like a precocious ten-year old who's in love with himself
I think he just lacks empathy, can't relate to people socially and therefore that's why he seems that way.
PZ547 wrote on Mar 23
rd, 2013 at 1:20pm:
* All the posturing
* the monologues about himself -- always about him
He does speak awkwardly.
PZ547 wrote on Mar 23
rd, 2013 at 1:20pm:
* the self-pity -- invariably when he's caused the problem himself
Don't we all have a certain level of self-pity? You have to have sympathy for someone who was abruptly deposed shortly before the 2010 election. How do you think he felt? Politics is a career that takes courage and inner, emotional strength, something most of us don't have. Kevin is human. Maybe he just doesn't have the mettle for the job of PM, but to say he has more self-pity than most of us just isn't reasonable.
PZ547 wrote on Mar 23
rd, 2013 at 1:20pm:
* the blaming of others - when he's to blame
I never really saw him doing much blaming in public.
PZ547 wrote on Mar 23
rd, 2013 at 1:20pm:
* the attempts to sound like fifty different people simultaneously
don't remember that
PZ547 wrote on Mar 23
rd, 2013 at 1:20pm:
* the venom
* the anger
* the petulance
don't remember that in public
PZ547 wrote on Mar 23
rd, 2013 at 1:20pm:
* his vengefulness
* his spitefulness
* his unfettered, massive, beyond belief size ego
* his conceit
* his impotence
you're exaggerating
PZ547 wrote on Mar 23
rd, 2013 at 1:20pm:
* his self-serving disloyalty
do you really know him?
PZ547 wrote on Mar 23
rd, 2013 at 1:20pm:
He seems to believe he is a combination of Churchill, Menzies, JFK, Caesar, Einstein, John Wayne and an entire battalion of Rhodes Scholars, plus
not my impression
PZ547 wrote on Mar 23
rd, 2013 at 1:20pm:
He seems to believe it his destiny to be the ultimate, entire-world's Grand Statesman
He's popular among lots of people, so it's not like he's completely deluded. Much of his sense of worth was given to him by others, and it seems that that is continuing, so you can't really put the blame on him for that.