PZ547 wrote on Mar 24
th, 2013 at 11:57am:
Whilst browsing a large, international forum last night, the topic of 'things are going great', arose. It pertained, in that instance, to the US
Majority commenters noted the claim of 'everything's going great' is pushed in the US on the cusp of collapse
Reminded me of Australia, particularly the past few years and thousand media headlines
Sure, things are going great, right?
We believe Swan's falling unemployment/unemployment at approx. 5%, right ?
We need unskilled, non-English speaking 3rd worlders to fill Australia's supposed 'skills shortage' -- right ?
Aussies don't want to work -- right ?
We're on the cusp of a property-boom -- right ?
The mining-boom injects billions into our economy ...
We've never before enjoyed this level of disposable income ...
Rudd, Gillard & Swan guided us successfully through the Global Financial Collapse ...
We're a Lucky Country ...
We're a Rich Country ...
right ?
Gee, those of you who don't share the joy are 'whingers' ...
right ?
Or maybe those characterised as 'whingers' are immune to blatant bull-crap & can see clearly, can utilise the brains God gave them
Right !
This would be valid if the issues discussed by mainstream media and our politicians were about skill shortage and property prices, and so on. Instead, we are discussing a $10 carbon tax which has been subsidised and asylum seekers who have come to take our land away from us. That is what defines those who actually think this is significant, in the scope of the global issues right now, as whingers.