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Why did illegal boat numbers increase under Labor? (Read 10368 times)
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14% - that low?!

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Re: Why did illegal boat numbers increase under Labor?
Reply #180 - Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:31am
Doctor Jolly wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:24am:
Maqqa wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:22am:
Doctor Jolly wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:20am:
You cant be serious.

So youve towed a boat back to international waters (from Australian waters), to just outside the indonesian waters, and the people on board have paid $10,000 to get to Australia and..
1) You assume they havent sabotaged the boat already
2) You assume they'll just chuff back to indonesia forgoing their $10K


And the ones who pay to get on the next boat is even more mad

And if they want to die - let them

Because it might have save thousands

The Navy has repeatidly said they will not leave Asylym  seakers to die.   They will defy orders to do so.   

So this is not an option on the table.

Given that they said it repeatedly - could you show us some of these repeated comments
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Bill 14% is not the alcohol content of that wine. It's your poll number
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Re: Why did illegal boat numbers increase under Labor?
Reply #181 - Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:50am
Maqqa, any vessel on the sea - be it Australian navy, Indonesian Navy, Australian merchant vessel or any merchant vessel (Tampa was Norwegian) - has an obligation to prevent death on the sea.

The navy can pick them up - it is a case of what they do with them after that which is the issue for me.

I do not believe they should be allowed to claim asylum at that point and I think they should be taken to Christmas Island - which should be excluded from the migration zone of Australia.

Then a decision can be made - if they are from non-risk countries (Sri Lanka) they should be sent there by military plane.
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Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination - Oscar Wilde
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Doctor Jolly
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Re: Why did illegal boat numbers increase under Labor?
Reply #182 - Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:56am
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:50am:
Maqqa, any vessel on the sea - be it Australian navy, Indonesian Navy, Australian merchant vessel or any merchant vessel (Tampa was Norwegian) - has an obligation to prevent death on the sea.

The navy can pick them up - it is a case of what they do with them after that which is the issue for me.

I do not believe they should be allowed to claim asylum at that point and I think they should be taken to Christmas Island - which should be excluded from the migration zone of Australia.

Then a decision can be made - if they are from non-risk countries (Sri Lanka) they should be sent there by military plane.

Thats what we have now Andrei, except that Sri Lanka is regarded as a at-risk country for Tamils.

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Doctor Jolly
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Re: Why did illegal boat numbers increase under Labor?
Reply #183 - Mar 28th, 2013 at 12:03pm
Maqqa wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:29am:
Doctor Jolly wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:23am:
Maqqa wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:18am:
Yes, the world has moved on, and "solutions" from the past no longer work.  The evidence is clear, we have the "pacific solution" of howard right now. It aint working. 
I was not aware the Pacific Solution have been reinstated in full

Indonesia arent throwing anything at us. The Indo government is not involved in people smuggling at all.  Its run by multi-national criminal gangs.
Indonesia will not take back large numbers of refuges found in international waters, and so they shouldnt.
And these gangs only got 1600 through under the Pacific Solution. Under Labor it's 35,000 and counting

If you were an indonesian, would you ?
So this opinion is not based on policy but rather a "would you" assumption.

What differs from the current policy we have now and the howard pacific solution other than the "pacific" countries used for detention has changed a bit?.  The framework is the same.

My point about "what would you do" is that the indonesian government is under the same pressure as our government to not have to deal with these people.  Indonesia will not just accept them back on mass.

The fact that you have to ask means you don't know. All you are doing is assuming it's the same to convince yourself that Labor didn't stuff up

Facts are it's not the same. If it was the same then Gillard would have implemented the policy without asking Houston to make recommendations

If it was the same the Houston would have said "Implement the Pacific Solution"

Instead - it recommend something else which is NOT the Pacific Solution

As for the Indonesian government - you assume there's no corruption in Indonesia in allowing these boats through.

Maqqa, I am asking the question, because I do not know of any structural differences between them. If you do, which you claim to, please present them.  Otherwise you are just blowing in the wind.

There is corruption in Indonesia. A lot of corruption at lower levels, and that is what is allowing these people through. But its is not government policy, and if one of your requirements to stop boat people is to wipe out corruption in Indonesia you are delusional.
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Re: Why did illegal boat numbers increase under Labor?
Reply #184 - Mar 28th, 2013 at 12:09pm
Doctor Jolly wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:56am:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:50am:
Maqqa, any vessel on the sea - be it Australian navy, Indonesian Navy, Australian merchant vessel or any merchant vessel (Tampa was Norwegian) - has an obligation to prevent death on the sea.

The navy can pick them up - it is a case of what they do with them after that which is the issue for me.

I do not believe they should be allowed to claim asylum at that point and I think they should be taken to Christmas Island - which should be excluded from the migration zone of Australia.

Then a decision can be made - if they are from non-risk countries (Sri Lanka) they should be sent there by military plane.

Thats what we have now Andrei, except that Sri Lanka is regarded as a at-risk country for Tamils.

Christmas Island is in the migration zone though isn't it?
I was under the impression Rudd put it back in and they can claim asylum there?

By the way - just on Sri Lanka -

"This has been a very successful visit and I thank my friends here in the Government of the Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka for their hospitality.

The Australian Government remains satisified that the situation following the end of the civil war has stabilised and Sri Lanka is not an at-risk country for people to seek asylum in Australia.
I have spoken with my counterparts in both the United Kingdom and Canada on this matter - who hold the same view as we do.

Australia does not regard Sri Lanka as unsafe for any member of its communities."

Bob Carr, Foreign Minister
18 Dec 2012
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Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination - Oscar Wilde
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Re: Why did illegal boat numbers increase under Labor?
Reply #185 - Mar 28th, 2013 at 12:12pm
Maqqa wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:02am:
Doctor Jolly wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 10:58am:
The world has moved on from the Pacific solution. The courts have ruled parts of it illegal, and we have spent goodwill with the indos already.
What we have thats actually possible of the pacific solution is what we have now.

Towing back boats will not be possible because:
1) The boats will be unable to be left.
2) We cannot enter indonesian waters without their permission.
3) Indonesia do not want these refo's anymore than we do.

(1) "The world" have moved on from everything - so what's your point?

(2) Show me the court cases for the Pacific Solution

(3) So we just take all the crap that Indonesia throw at us?

You seriously get dumber by the post.

It doesn't have to be a ruling on the pacific solution to have ramifications for that policy if reinstated due the similar nature of the policies.

And for the record, the pacfic solution, if challenged on the same basis during it's operation, would have been ruled invalid policy.

One of the first things the high court said in the malaysian solution case was that the country where the asylum seekers were going had to be obligated, under international law, to provide access, protection and effective procedures to deal with them.

Now, go and have a look when Nauru signed the treaty (here's a hint, it was not long ago).

The HC also established that before they can be removed to another country they have to be processed to establish if they had a well founded fear of persectution.

It's not just a matter of taking them to another country and forgetting about the migration act and our international obligations.

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Doctor Jolly
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Australian Politics

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Re: Why did illegal boat numbers increase under Labor?
Reply #186 - Mar 28th, 2013 at 12:13pm
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 12:09pm:
Doctor Jolly wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:56am:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:50am:
Maqqa, any vessel on the sea - be it Australian navy, Indonesian Navy, Australian merchant vessel or any merchant vessel (Tampa was Norwegian) - has an obligation to prevent death on the sea.

The navy can pick them up - it is a case of what they do with them after that which is the issue for me.

I do not believe they should be allowed to claim asylum at that point and I think they should be taken to Christmas Island - which should be excluded from the migration zone of Australia.

Then a decision can be made - if they are from non-risk countries (Sri Lanka) they should be sent there by military plane.

Thats what we have now Andrei, except that Sri Lanka is regarded as a at-risk country for Tamils.

Christmas Island is in the migration zone though isn't it?
I was under the impression Rudd put it back in and they can claim asylum there?

By the way - just on Sri Lanka -

"This has been a very successful visit and I thank my friends here in the Government of the Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka for their hospitality.

The Australian Government remains satisified that the situation following the end of the civil war has stabilised and Sri Lanka is not an at-risk country for people to seek asylum in Australia.
I have spoken with my counterparts in both the United Kingdom and Canada on this matter - who hold the same view as we do.

Australia does not regard Sri Lanka as unsafe for any member of its communities."

Bob Carr, Foreign Minister
18 Dec 2012

Fair enough, I didnt know Bob Carr had said that.

However, I thought the high-court had ruled in the past year that any Australian island is in its migration zone, or something to that effect.
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Re: Why did illegal boat numbers increase under Labor?
Reply #187 - Mar 28th, 2013 at 12:16pm
Obviously Carr's statement didn't go down massively well with some groups.
But the stance now of the Australian Government and the Opposition is that Sri Lanka is safe.


Rejected Tamil asylum seekers are not being returned to a safe environment in Sri Lanka, as Foreign Minister Bob Carr claims. A new report details the rape and torture that truly awaits them, writes Trevor Grant

The Australian Government’s insistence that Tamil asylum seekers can return safely to Sri Lanka has been contradicted by the British High Court and detailed evidence showing that refugees have been brutally raped and tortured upon return.

A new Human Rights Watch report on sexual violence against Tamils by Sri Lankan military and security forces emphasises that returned refugees are generally regarded as traitors and Tamil Tigers (LTTE) sympathisers by the Sri Lankan Government.

The British High Court yesterday gave credence to widely held fears for the safety of returned refugees when it blocked the UK Government’s plan to send back a group of Tamils next week.

The 75 rape victims interviewed for the HRW report were arrested between 2006 and 2012 on suspicion of links with the LTTE, which was defeated and destroyed by Sri Lankan Government forces in the war that ended in 2009. Thirty-one were detained after the war finished, including eight in 2012. HRW says new cases continue to be reported.

One 29-year-old Tamil male refugee returned from France in late 2010, "SV", a poet and writer, told HRW that while being questioned about LTTE links in France he was bashed with metal rods and raped after being taken directly to CID police headquarters from the arrivals lounge at Colombo airport.

"I was kept in detention for more than a month. During this time I was questioned and beaten up every day," he said. "I was beaten with hot metal rods on my back and thighs. I was sometimes poked with the end of a hot poker and they kicked my head with metal-toed boots. I was raped many times. Two men would come to my room and one would hold me down. They would take turns."

A 29-year-old female Tamil refugee, "PP", who had been sent back from Africa in 2010 after spending a year in Europe, told HRW she was also taken to CID headquarters immediately she cleared airport customs.

"The officials beat me with metal pipes and plastic rods filled with sand. I was sexually abused and raped five times by officials while I was there. They took turns raping me. I remember that I fainted the first time. When I came to, I saw that I was bleeding from my genitals and was in terrible pain."

While the report does not state that any refugees returned from Australia were among the 41 men, 31 women and three boys under 18 interviewed by HRW, it makes it very clear that Foreign Minister Bob Carr is wrong to claim that Tamils are being returned to a safe environment, as he has done many times.
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Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination - Oscar Wilde
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Re: Why did illegal boat numbers increase under Labor?
Reply #188 - Mar 28th, 2013 at 1:55pm
Doctor Jolly wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:20am:
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:16am:
Doctor Jolly wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 10:58am:
Maqqa wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 10:55am:
Doctor Jolly wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 10:52am:
Maqqa wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 10:47am:
Doctor Jolly wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 10:38am:
Maqqa wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 10:31am:
Remember that these people are trying to get a better life ie escape death therefore they are not going to kill themselves

They know there is little danger of death if they sink themselves

They know they are forcing Australia to rescue them

This is like little children chucking a tantrum in the middle of a Supermarket knowing their parents would get too embarrassed and give into their demands

It's about time we don't give into their demands

It's our country

The approach you describe is true. If our policy is tow back boats to indon waters, the actions of boat people will be to simply sabotage the boat as soon as rescue by Australian boat is close.

Even Abbott will not refuse to rescue these people.  As soon as they step foot on an Australian boat in international waters, they are OUR problem, not the indonesians. They arent even indonesians.

This is the fundamental problem of tow-back-the boats policy. There will be no boat to tow back.

It's been done before

Tow a few more back and lets see how many will come

Unfortunetly that is a one-off outcome which required many weeks of negotiation (and god knows what we gave up to the indo's to acheive it).  I think we all know that Indonesia would have said something along the lines of "just this once".

Remember these people are illegally in indonesia as well. In most cases the government of indonesia is not aware they even exist in indonesia.

Did Rudds' turn back of this boat stop other boats ?

Because it's not policy

Therefore these people will see it as being "unlucky"

If you announce it as policy and implement it then it would work

The Pacific Solution worked and you can't deny that!

The world has moved on from the Pacific solution. The courts have ruled parts of it illegal, and we have spent goodwill with the indos already.
What we have thats actually possible of the pacific solution is what we have now.

Towing back boats will not be possible because:
1) The boats will be unable to be left.
2) We cannot enter indonesian waters without their permission.
3) Indonesia do not want these refo's anymore than we do.

Our ships do not need to enter Indonesian waters, just to be just inside international waters to send them back.
And the boats to have only enough fuel to steam the 20km back to harbour is all that is required also making points 1 & 3 irrelevant.

You cant be serious.

So youve towed a boat back to international waters (from Australian waters), to just outside the indonesian waters, and the people on board have paid $10,000 to get to Australia and..
1) You assume they havent sabotaged the boat already
2) You assume they'll just chuff back to indonesia forgoing their $10K


Which is why naval personnel board these vessels to ascertain the boats status eh.
And once the boat is towed to being just outside of Indonesian territorial waters, it's up to them which direction they go in.
Either way, they would only have enough fuel to make the nearest landfall.
And yes, they lose the $10k.
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"Another boat, another policy failure from the Howard government"

Julia Gillard
Shadow Health Minister
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14% - that low?!

Posts: 16000
Re: Why did illegal boat numbers increase under Labor?
Reply #189 - Mar 28th, 2013 at 3:03pm
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 11:50am:
Maqqa, any vessel on the sea - be it Australian navy, Indonesian Navy, Australian merchant vessel or any merchant vessel (Tampa was Norwegian) - has an obligation to prevent death on the sea.

The navy can pick them up - it is a case of what they do with them after that which is the issue for me.

I do not believe they should be allowed to claim asylum at that point and I think they should be taken to Christmas Island - which should be excluded from the migration zone of Australia.

Then a decision can be made - if they are from non-risk countries (Sri Lanka) they should be sent there by military plane.

This gets down to the illegals know how to exploit the loophole in our system

I think Australia should have a review on closing these loopholes

What you will get are the raving lunatics from the Greens wanting these loopholes to remain open
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Bill 14% is not the alcohol content of that wine. It's your poll number
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Re: Why did illegal boat numbers increase under Labor?
Reply #190 - Mar 28th, 2013 at 4:42pm
What loopholes exactly and how do they close them?
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Re: Why did illegal boat numbers increase under Labor?
Reply #191 - Mar 29th, 2013 at 8:22am
Infarction wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 4:42pm:
What loopholes exactly and how do they close them?

You get to find that out when the Coalition are back in charge.
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"Another boat, another policy failure from the Howard government"

Julia Gillard
Shadow Health Minister
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14% - that low?!

Posts: 16000
Re: Why did illegal boat numbers increase under Labor?
Reply #192 - Mar 29th, 2013 at 8:34am
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Mar 29th, 2013 at 8:22am:
Infarction wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 4:42pm:
What loopholes exactly and how do they close them?

You get to find that out when the Coalition are back in charge.

That's why I said a review is in order
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Bill 14% is not the alcohol content of that wine. It's your poll number
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Townsville NQ
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Re: Why did illegal boat numbers increase under Labor?
Reply #193 - Mar 29th, 2013 at 8:37am
Maqqa wrote on Mar 29th, 2013 at 8:34am:
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Mar 29th, 2013 at 8:22am:
Infarction wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 4:42pm:
What loopholes exactly and how do they close them?

You get to find that out when the Coalition are back in charge.

That's why I said a review is in order

I have no doubt Abbott will do just that.
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"Another boat, another policy failure from the Howard government"

Julia Gillard
Shadow Health Minister
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Australian Politics

Posts: 509
Re: Why did illegal boat numbers increase under Labor?
Reply #194 - Mar 31st, 2013 at 2:55pm
Maqqa wrote on Mar 29th, 2013 at 8:34am:
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Mar 29th, 2013 at 8:22am:
Infarction wrote on Mar 28th, 2013 at 4:42pm:
What loopholes exactly and how do they close them?

You get to find that out when the Coalition are back in charge.

That's why I said a review is in order


So as usual you have no idea what you are talking about.

Banging on about loop holes, but having no clue what they are.

Banging on about the pacific solution and the courts, but having no clue how it all applies.

Banging on about the PS being better than what we have now, but having no clue what the differences are.

There seems to be a trend here.
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