Armchair_Politician wrote on Mar 25
th, 2013 at 12:19am:
You do realise that TPV's plus the Pacific Solution stopped the boats, don't you???
Um no I don't actually. The boats had already stopped by the time the PS was put in place.
Terrorizing boat people, threatening their lives and sending them back to Indonesia clearly had a long term impact. Promising to process asylum seekers at Nauru, with the virtual assurance that they will be resettled in Australia does not. That should be obvious.
educate yourself:
Quote:The day after the Tampa crisis began, August 28, cabinet met and directed the then chief of the Defence Force, Admiral Chris Barrie, to prepare a military response to the problem of the boat people. The Government wanted the operation to run for 12 weeks, right through the peak of the boat season - and the election campaign.
Quote:When Barrie was instructed to launch Relex, his orders from cabinet were to warn the asylum boats to turn around, and to rely on a show of force to deter them. After that, the military was to get all its instructions directly from the Government. On the vexed question of what the military should do if the asylum boats refused to heed the navy, Barrie told his commanders that "Government approval and guidance for subsequent response is to be sought".
Quote:By September 14, when Gately wrote to Reith, the first clash between the Government and the navy over its SOLAS obligations had occurred. Gately told Reith that two navy commanders had qustioned the military over the actions. One had removed asylum seekers from a boat (the SIEV 2 - Suspected Illegal Entry Vessel 2) which was about to run aground on Ashmore Reef. The other had ended a fraught boarding operation against SIEV 3, which had refused to turn back to Indonesia. Some passengers had threatened suicide if they were forced to return and a pregnant woman was about to give birth. Some 54 children were on board.
Quote:At the same time, the Government overhauled its strategy for Relex. It instructed the navy to begin towing boats out of Australian waters to the edge of Indonesian waters.
Quote:In the end, the more aggressive strategy under Relex worked as a deterrent, but at some cost. The navy, with army units on board, began towing asylum boats to Indonesian waters. But this increased the SOLAS problems for the navy. Confrontations on board the boats led to accusations by asylum seekers that the navy had left them in dangerous vessels to drift in Indonesian waters.
Quote:Ultimately, the Government gambled on Operation Relex and pulled victory from the jaws of near defeat. But other factors besides Relex also had an impact on stopping the boats, including the sinking of SIEV X with more than 400 passengers on board in late October
Basically Howard panicked after Tampa because he couldn't stop the boats in election season. So he ordered a military campaign using the navy to stop the boats. Attempts at intimidation and risking lives initially failed as well - so Howard simply ordered the navy to get tougher. Finally all boats were ordered to be towed back to Indonesian waters - at great risk to life and limb.
All this happened
BEFORE the pacific solution was implemented, you geniuses. The boats stopped
BEFORE 2002. Sending asylum seekers to Nauru and Manus Island for processing did diddly squat to stop the boats - because the boats had already been stopped.