sir prince duke alevine wrote on Mar 24
th, 2013 at 2:47pm:
skippy. wrote on Mar 24
th, 2013 at 1:37pm:
That the man the Howard government hid from the media and public two elections ago because he was such an extreme right wing nutter is on the cusp of leading the coalition to victory.
He hasn't changed, so what has?
Labor has simply performed suicide. It's in such a dire circumstance that even the likes of Bronwen Bishop would win as a leader. Absolute disgrace that we are left with such choices in Australian politics. And nothing good can come out of it at all - only the same crap that will ensure this country doesn't move forward but stays at a standstill. 21 years of growth, 12th largest economy in the world, and we are still acting like a 5 year old child who didn't get the toy we wanted. Just look at the topics on the forum today - once again nonstop "illegals illegals illegals". This is what has become acceptable in our society. Ad nauseum.
Yes, illegals are an issue which concern many voters
Yes, it's been engineered so that our 'choices' are between this or that owned puppet
Sports politics. My team agin your team. Black vs white.
Same orchestration has been accomplished in the US
In Europe, where people are more inclined to get off their backsides in defence of their lives and futures, they're organising alternative parties
In Australia, we're so polite, so crippled by our indoctrination in political correctness and so terrified, apparently, of the words 'racism', 'racist'
but give it time
Australia is becoming home to European in addition to the floods of uneducated, Saudi-sponsored muslims and Africans who're apparently immune to Australian law
Hopefully, those European New-Australians won't lose their fight during their 27 hour flight to this hot rock
Hopefully they'll see in Australia an echo of what was imposed upon Europe
Hopefully they'll decide to stand and fight, because Australia is basically white man's last stand
and hopefully they'll motivate, encourage and shame Aussies into rediscovering their spine
Would be nice to have some viable alternative political parties in Australia, wouldn't it. I say 'yes', 'damn yes'
All it will take is for Australians to avoid fora such as this one, which is basically a tool used to convince Aussies that a choice between Labor and Libs is all they have
By now, most Aussies are aware that there ARE NO TWO PARTIES. Instead, it's the one joke party wearing two fake faces -- run from offshore, dictated by USrael and prodded and pushed by the characters who hold a monopoly on the so-called 'news'
Time for Australians to get angry and toss the shadow-government back to where it came from, as it's been tossed out of so many countries going back 2000 years
Time for Aussies to demand more from the scum known collectively as 'politicians'. Time to bring back hanging, which is the penalty for Treason. And man, we've had one treasonous set of political ratbags after another
A few dead politicians would do Australia the world of good. It would send most current politicians and union scum running for their bolt holes o'seas, for one. And would put all future politicians on warning that we are not going to cop it any more