sir prince duke alevine wrote on Mar 24
th, 2013 at 3:34pm:
What other choice then? Citizen electoral council?
Necessity, mother of invention
Other choices will emerge
There will be confusion, yes. There will be fallout. But eventually (measured in today's sped-up time frame) viable alternatives will emerge & will be supported
Wiki lists those parties, big in their day, which fell by the wayside
Libs and Labor
both are resolutely out of touch with the people
Australia's changed. It deserves politicians and parties which reflect the changes
The people will determine the future of politics. And the people are dismissive of the media's belief it has the power to 'form and shape' public opinion. The media's as much on the nose as politics/politicians. No surprise. They're all from the same stable
Abbott-Libs, Gillard-Labour both stink in the opinion of voters. Both corrupt. Both guilty of rank mismanagement. Both infantile in behaviours and policies
Sure, one of the supposed Big Two (but in actuality ONE) will get through the next election. But today more than ever before, people do not elect a party to govern. Instead, voters elect to rid themselves of the other. And it's been that way for a long time
Howard claimed (like so many after him) that voters had handed him a mandate to do this, do that. No. Weasel Howard got in because it was the only way to get rid of the previous slimeball. Labor didn't 'win' over the Libs. It was the only way to be rid of Howard. On and on. People are weary of what's on offer. Weariness becomes outrage. The world hasn't really seen an outraged Australia. It's past time ...