Armchair_Politician wrote on Mar 25
th, 2013 at 8:48pm:
rabbitoh07 wrote on Mar 25
th, 2013 at 8:38pm:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Mar 25
th, 2013 at 8:35pm:
rabbitoh07 wrote on Mar 25
th, 2013 at 8:28pm:
Wait....Progressiveslol told me that there had been no warming for 15 years!!!! He read it in a column in the Daily Mail! And it was confirmed by Andrew Bolt no less!!!!
Are you telling us that Progs and his tabloid columnist source are wrong!?!?!?!?
Goodness me!!!!
... it was firstly confirmed by a multitude of eminent climate scientists
Was it!!!!
I am calling you a liar!!
Why don't you show some evidence and prove me wrong.
Come on liar.
Lets see the "multitude of eminent climate scientists " who say that there has been no global warming for 15 years.
Armchair_Politician wrote on Mar 25
th, 2013 at 8:35pm:
- many of whom had previously been passionately for global warming but now have to eat their previous words on this subject!
Come on liar.
Lets see the "multitude of eminent climate scientists " who say that there has been no global warming for 15 years.
Show us.
Cut and paste
Show us.
I'll take your apology now... A column by David Rose?!?!?! WTF?!?!
Whatever - I still cannot see a "multitude of eminent climate scientists " who say that there has been no global warming for 15 years.
I can't see anyone saying that at all - except for David Rose - and he is just some dickhead newspaper columnist.
I see:
Myles Allen, Oxford University’s Professor of Geosystem Science, said that until recently he believed the world might be on course for a catastrophic temperature rise of more than five degrees this century.
But he now says: ‘The odds have come down,’ – adding that warming is likely to be significantly lower.
Prof Allen says higher estimates are now ‘looking iffy’.Fair enough. He is entitled to his opinion. He ceratinly did not imply that there has been no global warming for 15 years.
I see:
Piers Forster, Climate Change Professor at Leeds University, said: ‘The fact that global surface temperatures haven’t risen in the last 15 years, combined with good knowledge of the terms changing climate, make the high estimates unlikely.’
Yes - there is a lot more to the planet's heat content than surface temperature. He ceratinly did not imply that there has been no global warming for 15 years.
I see:
Professor Judith Curry, head of climate science at the prestigious Georgia Institute of Technology, said: ‘The models are running too hot. The flat trend in global surface temperatures may continue for another decade or two.’ Yes - there is a lot more to the planet's heat content than surface temperature. She ceratinly did not imply that there has been no global warming for 15 years.
Where are they LIAR
Where are the "multitude of eminent climate scientists " who say that there has been no global warming for 15 years?!?!
Or - are you just as retarded as Progs? A gullible, uneducated fool that jumps at whatever David Rose or
The Australian says, without haveing a clue about what is being written?
We both know the answer to that, don't we. Why don't you find a grown up to read things to you and explain them for you before posting in future. It may help you stop making such a dick of yourself.