MOTR wrote on Mar 25
th, 2013 at 9:17pm:
So 90% of the 'warming' is in our oceans.
I get warm and cold patches in my swimming pool here at home, so I would guess the same would be true of an entire ocean eh let alone all the oceans and seas on the planet.
And I don't believe that any 'supposed' temperature monitoring of an entire ocean giving a specific temperature average which the climate change soothsayers swear by could be considered to be accurate considering the gross magnitude of variables present.
The issue isn't the temperatures at all, but the dodgy science used to peddle a viewpoint.
The supposed warmer oceans is responsible for increase in cyclones we havent been seeing, or the islands in our oceans that haven't gone under yet.
For every volcanic island in the ocean that sinks, another volcanic island rises so they shouldn't be used as 'evidence' of rising oceans.
And we are still waiting for the 50,000 climate change refugees that was predicted for 2010 to arrive in Australia on boats from the islands that haven't sunk.
Prediction after prediction after prediction made haven't occurred, and in some cases the opposite is true.
Little wonder Abbott scoffs at the red hat brigade.
It's a question of credibility, and the Church of Climatology has been found to be lacking.