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Global warming accelerating. Abbott squibs it. (Read 9275 times)
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Australian Politics

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Re: Global warming accelerating. Abbott squibs it.
Reply #90 - Mar 25th, 2013 at 11:45pm
MOTR wrote on Mar 25th, 2013 at 11:32pm:
The problem with you, progs, is that you have no shame.

You do try to hide it well, but it is noticed.

No shame hmmm. Thats a good thing. I would rather not be the ideal me according to (them).

Although I use it for good, not evil.
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Re: Global warming accelerating. Abbott squibs it.
Reply #91 - Mar 25th, 2013 at 11:51pm
progressiveslol wrote on Mar 25th, 2013 at 11:44pm:
Now look what you AGW nutters have gone and done.

You are polluting the world. Killing people and making crop yields fall.

Biofuel boom could lead to life-threatening ozone pollution

Not long ago biofuels were seen as one of the major tools to combat climate change, but a large number of studies in recent years have shown that many first generation biofuels may have little climate benefit—and some are actually harmful—and are also linked to rising food prices. Now, a new study in Nature Climate Change warns that biofuels using fast-growing trees (polar, willow, and eucalytpus) could also exacerbate ground-level ozone pollution.

"Concerns about climate change and energy security are driving an aggressive expansion of bioenergy crop production and many of these plant species emit more isoprene than the traditional crops they are replacing," the paper states.

Isoprene is a precursor to ozone, which as a ground-level pollutant is believed to cause many health-problems especially among the vulnerable, including premature death. The compound is produced by a number of species of trees, including those most likely to be grown en masse for bioenergy. The paper estimates that growing trees on 72 million hectares of land in Europe could result in 1,400 premature deaths on the continent annually at a cost of $7.1B. Currently, 22,000 people are estimated to die prematurely from ozone pollution in Europe every year. Ground-level ozone also reduces crop yields.


Nice work!  The old "change the subject because they have caught me telling lies" trick!!!
But not good enough Progs.

What have you got  left?  You have already tried the "I have already answered" line.  That was a complete failure.  i guess your next move is the "I never said that in the first place" gambit.  The last resort for sprung liars.

Oh well - in the meantime - any time you are ready Progs to tell us how there has been  "no global warming for 15 years"  when:
- oceans continue to warm
- sea levels continues to rise
- glaciers continue to melt
- the arctic continues to melt

We are all ears.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Global warming accelerating. Abbott squibs it.
Reply #92 - Mar 25th, 2013 at 11:54pm
rabbitoh07 wrote on Mar 25th, 2013 at 11:51pm:
progressiveslol wrote on Mar 25th, 2013 at 11:44pm:
Now look what you AGW nutters have gone and done.

You are polluting the world. Killing people and making crop yields fall.

Biofuel boom could lead to life-threatening ozone pollution

Not long ago biofuels were seen as one of the major tools to combat climate change, but a large number of studies in recent years have shown that many first generation biofuels may have little climate benefit—and some are actually harmful—and are also linked to rising food prices. Now, a new study in Nature Climate Change warns that biofuels using fast-growing trees (polar, willow, and eucalytpus) could also exacerbate ground-level ozone pollution.

"Concerns about climate change and energy security are driving an aggressive expansion of bioenergy crop production and many of these plant species emit more isoprene than the traditional crops they are replacing," the paper states.

Isoprene is a precursor to ozone, which as a ground-level pollutant is believed to cause many health-problems especially among the vulnerable, including premature death. The compound is produced by a number of species of trees, including those most likely to be grown en masse for bioenergy. The paper estimates that growing trees on 72 million hectares of land in Europe could result in 1,400 premature deaths on the continent annually at a cost of $7.1B. Currently, 22,000 people are estimated to die prematurely from ozone pollution in Europe every year. Ground-level ozone also reduces crop yields.


Nice work!  The old "change the subject because they have caught me telling lies" trick!!!

But not good enough Progs.

What have you got  left?  You have already tried the "I have already answered" line.  That was a complete failure.  i guess your next move is the "I never said that in the first place" gambit.  The last resort for sprung liars.

Oh well - in the meantime - any time you are ready Progs to tell us how there has been  "no global warming for 15 years"  when:
- oceans continue to warm
- sea levels continues to rise
- glaciers continue to melt
- the arctic continues to melt

We are all ears.

lol ..... bwwaahhaaha  Grin Grin Grin Grin

Yes/no maxwell
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Innocent bystander
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Re: Global warming accelerating. Abbott squibs it.
Reply #93 - Mar 26th, 2013 at 3:39am
If anyone needs a bit of a giggle head on over to sceptical science and check out the clowns that the hysterical global warming death cult members here get their "facts" from LOL  Grin

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Australian Politics

Posts: 6646
Re: Global warming accelerating. Abbott squibs it.
Reply #94 - Mar 26th, 2013 at 6:19am
Innocent bystander wrote on Mar 26th, 2013 at 3:39am:
If anyone needs a bit of a giggle head on over to sceptical science and check out the clowns that the hysterical global warming death cult members here get their "facts" from LOL  Grin

Your real name should be road kill.

When the scientific community is virtually certain that this is a real threat, it's unbelievable that certain people get their jollies from people trying to make sense of what the science is telling us.
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« Last Edit: Mar 26th, 2013 at 6:32am by MOTR »  

Hunt says Coalition accepts IPCC findings

"What does this mean? It means that we need to do practical things that actually reduce emissions."
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Re: Global warming accelerating. Abbott squibs it.
Reply #95 - Mar 26th, 2013 at 6:24am
progressiveslol wrote on Mar 25th, 2013 at 11:13pm:
rabbitoh07 wrote on Mar 25th, 2013 at 11:04pm:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Mar 25th, 2013 at 9:42pm:
Careful - you're trying to talk sense into a crazy, delusional Leftard!!!

Big call - coming form someone who has been caught red-handed telling lies.

You claimed that there are "multitude of eminent climate scientists " who say that there has been no global warming for 15 years. Then you posted an opinion piece from a tabloid newsapaper with 3 quotes from scientists - none of which said anything of the sort.

Still waiting liar.  Where are these "multitude of eminent climate scientists " who say that there has been no global warming for 15 years?

lol sitting here having a good ol laugh. I appreciate it, I really do.

You know, there comes a day when even the smartest person on earth says to themselves "either im a fuchen idiot or everyone is lying", Everyone.

Damn, this looks like fun! Wish I had gone to bed later last night, lol. Who left the back door open at the lunatic asylum? Come on wabbit & MOTR, time to go back to your padded rooms!
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Australian Politics

Posts: 6646
Re: Global warming accelerating. Abbott squibs it.
Reply #96 - Mar 26th, 2013 at 6:34am
Armchair_Politician wrote on Mar 26th, 2013 at 6:24am:
progressiveslol wrote on Mar 25th, 2013 at 11:13pm:
rabbitoh07 wrote on Mar 25th, 2013 at 11:04pm:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Mar 25th, 2013 at 9:42pm:
Careful - you're trying to talk sense into a crazy, delusional Leftard!!!

Big call - coming form someone who has been caught red-handed telling lies.

You claimed that there are "multitude of eminent climate scientists " who say that there has been no global warming for 15 years. Then you posted an opinion piece from a tabloid newsapaper with 3 quotes from scientists - none of which said anything of the sort.

Still waiting liar.  Where are these "multitude of eminent climate scientists " who say that there has been no global warming for 15 years?

lol sitting here having a good ol laugh. I appreciate it, I really do.

You know, there comes a day when even the smartest person on earth says to themselves "either im a fuchen idiot or everyone is lying", Everyone.

Damn, this looks like fun! Wish I had gone to bed later last night, lol. Who left the back door open at the lunatic asylum? Come on wabbit & MOTR, time to go back to your padded rooms!

Mate, we're not the one's denying the science. You're the nutter.
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Hunt says Coalition accepts IPCC findings

"What does this mean? It means that we need to do practical things that actually reduce emissions."
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Australian Politics

Posts: 2783
Gender: male
Re: Global warming accelerating. Abbott squibs it.
Reply #97 - Mar 26th, 2013 at 8:08am
Armchair_Politician wrote on Mar 26th, 2013 at 6:24am:
progressiveslol wrote on Mar 25th, 2013 at 11:13pm:
rabbitoh07 wrote on Mar 25th, 2013 at 11:04pm:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Mar 25th, 2013 at 9:42pm:
Careful - you're trying to talk sense into a crazy, delusional Leftard!!!

Big call - coming form someone who has been caught red-handed telling lies.

You claimed that there are "multitude of eminent climate scientists " who say that there has been no global warming for 15 years. Then you posted an opinion piece from a tabloid newsapaper with 3 quotes from scientists - none of which said anything of the sort.

Still waiting liar.  Where are these "multitude of eminent climate scientists " who say that there has been no global warming for 15 years?

lol sitting here having a good ol laugh. I appreciate it, I really do.

You know, there comes a day when even the smartest person on earth says to themselves "either im a fuchen idiot or everyone is lying", Everyone.

Damn, this looks like fun! Wish I had gone to bed later last night, lol. Who left the back door open at the lunatic asylum? Come on wabbit & MOTR, time to go back to your padded rooms!

You claimed that there are "multitude of eminent climate scientists " who say that there has been no global warming for 15 years.

THen, as "evidence" you posted an opinion piece from a tabloid newsapaper with 3 quotes from scientists - none of which said anything of the sort.

Why did you tell a lie like that?
Why did you think you could get away with telling a lie like that?

Are you going to show us who these "multitude of eminent climate scientists " who say that there has been no global warming for 15 years" are?  Or are you going to apologise for lying to the forum?
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Australian Politics

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Re: Global warming accelerating. Abbott squibs it.
Reply #98 - Mar 26th, 2013 at 8:17am
Innocent bystander wrote on Mar 26th, 2013 at 3:39am:
If anyone needs a bit of a giggle head on over to sceptical science and check out the clowns that the hysterical global warming death cult members here get their "facts" from LOL  Grin

Or, you could check out Progs and Armchair's chief source of information:

David Rose is a British journalist who by his own admission served as a conduit for intelligence disinformation on both sides of the Atlantic. Three of his stories, based on alarmist testimony from INC defectors and asserting an Iraq-al-Qaida link, played a key role in selling the Iraq war.
Rose has also repeatedly written articles misquoting scientists on climate change
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Australian Politics

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Re: Global warming accelerating. Abbott squibs it.
Reply #99 - Mar 26th, 2013 at 8:22am
this is pitiful... global termperatures stabilise soout come the hysterics with more carry-on about how GW is accelerating. Of course it is warming without actual 'getting warmer'.

chicken little had nothing on these clowns.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Doctor Jolly
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Australian Politics

Posts: 3808
Re: Global warming accelerating. Abbott squibs it.
Reply #100 - Mar 26th, 2013 at 8:31am
longweekend58 wrote on Mar 26th, 2013 at 8:22am:
this is pitiful... global termperatures stabilise soout come the hysterics with more carry-on about how GW is accelerating. Of course it is warming without actual 'getting warmer'.

chicken little had nothing on these clowns.

Youve been told this weeks ago.
Atmospheric temperatures have been rising over the past 15 years.
Ocean temperatures have been rising over the past 15 years.

Both of those two sources of temperature data are unaffected by localised weather patterns. They show climate change.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Global warming accelerating. Abbott squibs it.
Reply #101 - Mar 26th, 2013 at 9:28am
I think the Ruski's are onto something....but lets not talk about how cold it is  Roll Eyes Obviously sheep like talk of consensus hasn't melted through the snow yet.

The lethal “100-year, record-smashing” spring cold and snow spreading across Europe over the past month has for the most part been avoided like the plague by Germany’s mainstream media. The silence over the record cold and frost, which has killed thousands and cost billions, has been ear-ringing.

Yet some leading dailies are breaking ranks, and have begun to examine the phenomenon critically and openly.

For example veteran journalist at German flagship daily Die Welt today has stunned the rest of the German mainstream media with a piece titled Scientists warn of ice age.

German flagship daily reports that “scientists warning of ice age.” Logo: DIE WELT.

Kulke writes that recently a growing number of scientific publications have been appearing in leading journals, and that they have been challenging the simplistic “one dimensional CO2 explanation” for climate change and showing that even the unlikely “doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration by 2050 would not have dramatic effects.”
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Innocent bystander
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Australian Politics

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Re: Global warming accelerating. Abbott squibs it.
Reply #102 - Mar 26th, 2013 at 12:23pm
MOTR wrote on Mar 26th, 2013 at 6:19am:
Innocent bystander wrote on Mar 26th, 2013 at 3:39am:
If anyone needs a bit of a giggle head on over to sceptical science and check out the clowns that the hysterical global warming death cult members here get their "facts" from LOL  Grin

Your real name should be road kill.

When the scientific community is virtually certain that this is a real threat, it's unbelievable that certain people get their jollies from people trying to make sense of what the science is telling us.

"sceptical science" LOL ... is a hard core green left activist website that makes its own un peer reviewed science up on the run to suit its agenda, an agenda similar to 911 and moon landing conspiracy crank websites, how anyone can take them seriously defies belief  Grin
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Innocent bystander
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Australian Politics

Posts: 4220
Gender: male
Re: Global warming accelerating. Abbott squibs it.
Reply #103 - Mar 26th, 2013 at 4:21pm
Look if Dikran Marsupial from sceptical science reckons the planets heating to f#ck then thats good enough for me ...i


Dikran Marsupial
Sceptical science
Dikran Marsupial (A.K.A. Dr Gavin Cawley) is a senior lecturer in the School of Computing Sciences at the University of East Anglia.  His research interests focus on machine learning (essentially a branch of statistics), and in particular dealing with various forms of uncertainty.  He is interested in science generally, and in favour of rational decision making.  These interests intersect in climate change, as rational choice of the best course of action requires our best effort at understanding the science of climate, including an appreciation of the uncertainties.   SkS makes a positive contribution to this by refuting climate myths and addressing common misconceptions regarding the science of climate change that stiffle productive debate of the key issues.  In his spare time, he enjoys luthiery, lute playing, cricket and moustache cultivation.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Global warming accelerating. Abbott squibs it.
Reply #104 - Mar 26th, 2013 at 4:54pm
rabbitoh07 wrote on Mar 26th, 2013 at 8:08am:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Mar 26th, 2013 at 6:24am:
progressiveslol wrote on Mar 25th, 2013 at 11:13pm:
rabbitoh07 wrote on Mar 25th, 2013 at 11:04pm:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Mar 25th, 2013 at 9:42pm:
Careful - you're trying to talk sense into a crazy, delusional Leftard!!!

Big call - coming form someone who has been caught red-handed telling lies.

You claimed that there are "multitude of eminent climate scientists " who say that there has been no global warming for 15 years. Then you posted an opinion piece from a tabloid newsapaper with 3 quotes from scientists - none of which said anything of the sort.

Still waiting liar.  Where are these "multitude of eminent climate scientists " who say that there has been no global warming for 15 years?

lol sitting here having a good ol laugh. I appreciate it, I really do.

You know, there comes a day when even the smartest person on earth says to themselves "either im a fuchen idiot or everyone is lying", Everyone.

Damn, this looks like fun! Wish I had gone to bed later last night, lol. Who left the back door open at the lunatic asylum? Come on wabbit & MOTR, time to go back to your padded rooms!

You claimed that there are "multitude of eminent climate scientists " who say that there has been no global warming for 15 years.

THen, as "evidence" you posted an opinion piece from a tabloid newsapaper with 3 quotes from scientists - none of which said anything of the sort.

Why did you tell a lie like that?
Why did you think you could get away with telling a lie like that?

Are you going to show us who these "multitude of eminent climate scientists " who say that there has been no global warming for 15 years" are?  Or are you going to apologise for lying to the forum?

How many times did your mother drop you on your head as a baby??? Must've been a helluva lot!!!

"Global surface temperatures have not risen in 15 years. They make the high estimates unlikely" - Piers Forster, Climate Change Professor at Leeds University
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