progressiveslol wrote on Mar 25
th, 2013 at 11:44pm:
Now look what you AGW nutters have gone and done.
You are polluting the world. Killing people and making crop yields fall.
Biofuel boom could lead to life-threatening ozone pollution
Not long ago biofuels were seen as one of the major tools to combat climate change, but a large number of studies in recent years have shown that many first generation biofuels may have little climate benefit—and some are actually
are also linked to rising food prices. Now, a new study in Nature Climate Change warns that biofuels using fast-growing trees (polar, willow, and eucalytpus) could also
exacerbate ground-level ozone pollution.
"Concerns about climate change and energy security are driving an aggressive expansion of bioenergy crop production and many of these plant species emit more isoprene than the traditional crops they are replacing," the paper states.
Isoprene is a precursor to ozone, which as a ground-level pollutant is believed to cause
many health-problems especially among the vulnerable, including premature death. The compound is produced by a number of species of trees, including those most likely to be grown en masse for bioenergy. The paper estimates that growing trees on 72 million hectares of land in Europe could result in 1,400 premature deaths on the continent annually at a cost of $7.1B. Currently,
22,000 people are estimated to die prematurely from ozone pollution in Europe every year.
Ground-level ozone also reduces crop yields.
more Nice work! The old "change the subject because they have caught me telling lies" trick!!!
But not good enough Progs.
What have you got left? You have already tried the "I have already answered" line. That was a complete failure. i guess your next move is the "I never said that in the first place" gambit. The last resort for sprung liars.
Oh well - in the meantime - any time you are ready Progs to tell us how there has been "no global warming for 15 years" when:
- oceans continue to warm
- sea levels continues to rise
- glaciers continue to melt
- the arctic continues to melt
We are all ears.