THE LABOR PARTY I LOVE” by Julia Gillard
Actually the Labor Party Julia “loves” is the same party she vowed to infiltrate for the sole purpose of imposing the Communist agenda of her Socialist Forum. Those who do love the Labor Party are those Gillard has systematically killed off. Well done Julia!Make no mistake, unless Julia Gillard experienced an epiphanous rebirth on the eve of her election to Parliament, the blood of the radical Communist Left still runs deep in her veins.
Of course she denies any meaningful connection to the Socialist Forum, “I just did clerical work, posting letters and stuff, you know”, she claimed.
When asked on Q&A if the Socialist Forum was a Communist organisation, her terse reply was, “Of course not!”
In fact the Socialist Forum was an ultra radical breakaway group of the Communist Party of Australia.
But Julia forgot there are minutes of Socialist Forum meetings that show she was a driving force behind the subversive organisation.
The infamous Taft brothers, Jenny Macklin and Julia’s bed partner, Michael O’Conner (now of the CFMEU) along with other devotees, avowed the following resolution:
"... the Socialist Forum being a defacto continuum of a section of the Communist Party of Australia be interpreted as a political party competing with the ALP... it is not possible for any member of the ALP to simultaneously belong to the Socialist Forum.”The above
resolution was drafted by John Alford, Julia Gillard and Mark Taft. Mmmm, just posting letters were we, Ms Gillard?
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Gillard’s mood will be one of inner ecstasy... she will have almost destroyed her hated ALP.
Her beloved Marxist movement has new breath and can now boast a serious foothold in the political landscape.
What she has achieved for the movement so far is beyond her wildest dreams.