Chimp_Logic wrote on Mar 31
st, 2013 at 12:59pm:
there it is again - that foul stench -what the hell is going on in here
Chimp_Logic wrote on Mar 31
st, 2013 at 1:08pm:
freediver wrote on Mar 31
st, 2013 at 1:03pm:
Monkey do you have an opinion on the treatment of non-Muslims in the aftermath of the arab spring?
Yes I do - I have very strong opinions on this matterBut each time I attempt to type some basic comments in here, I am totally overcome with this foul Satanic putrid Stench that wafts in here.
My nostril hairs are partially singed with this acrid sulphuric mist that has obviously been expelled from the anal rim of Satan himself
What I will do is craft a few simple comments that even you could understand off line then I will return in early August and post them
Look forward to having you read them in several months time
cheers until then
Chimp, et al, are those who wish to have the power to govern themselves, AND THEY FEEL ALSO, THAT THEY
Yet in a public forum like OzPol, we cant even get a reasoned or intelligent response, when we enquire about the proposed rights or safety of minorities, who elsewhere in the world, fall within the power of their 'tender care'.
To even pose such questions [in a public forum like OzPol] often seems to be regraded by them, to be an offensive and inappropriate 'posture' - to ask any moslem authority [or moslem individual] to explain the 'morality' [of oppression] which they choose to impose upon others.
The truth is that such people, moslems, consider themselves, to be the rightful masters of the universe - but as Allah's proxy of course!
And they consider themselves to be beyond being asked to justify the nature of their [desired] authority.
From reading the responses of persons like 'Chimp' [to simple innocuous questions, in a public forum like this one],
do you get an inkling of why all moslem/ISLAMIC regimes/governments devolve into tyranny ?There is no accountability for the oppressive 'morality', which moslems choose to impose upon all of those, outside of their own camp.
And soon, such oppression comes back to bite themselves, too.
Moslems pretend [to themselves! and to others] that ISLAM is a virtuous philosophy/culture.
But ISLAM is
NOT a virtuous philosophy/culture - which nobody has a right to question.
ISLAM fosters a human culture of lies and falsehood, and intimidation, which is hiding behind a facade of pretended virtue.
"Ye [moslems] are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind,
enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah.......[and it is the 'unbelievers' who] are perverted transgressors."
Koran 3.110
ISLAM teaches every moslem that they, moslems, deserve to have unaccountable authority over their own 'camp'.
And not only that, but that moslems should also have the power to govern those outside their 'camp' as well.
But look at what ISLAM has already done, to all of those persons who have chosen to embrace ISLAM!, to those persons in this world who have succumbed to the thrall of 'righteous' ISLAMIC 'administration'.
All societies in the world today, which claim to be ISLAMIC and Sharia guided, are nests of oppression, depravity,
corruption, violence, injustice, and human poverty.
Who can deny that truth ?
And yet, ask a moslem, and that moslem will insist, that ISLAM is indeed a virtuous philosophy.And yet they, moslems, continue
to choose to cling to that hideous philosophy of lies, intimidation, violence, murder, and corruption.
Why so ?
1/ They are a people who have a self-aggrandising gaining in mind.
2/ No humility.