bogarde73 wrote on Mar 31
st, 2013 at 1:02pm:
Voters are focused on the economy MOTR. That's why Labor is going down the tubes without a snorkel.Believe it, accept it and learn to live with an Abbott govt.
Actually, no.
They're focused on the LIBERAL version of the economy, which bears no relationship to the ACTUAL economy.
And their ridiculous perception of our supposed 'insurmountable' debt.
In fact, if their perception goes anywhere NEAR the tripe posted by some on here, I'd say they're not intelligent
and/or informed enough to be allowed to vote.
Some of the 'righties' on here CERTAINLY aren't.
A major portion of the Con-alition's 'support' doesn't come from those who want a Con-alition govt, it's from
those who DON'T want Gillard and her slimy cohorts.
I can see the stupidity and gullibility the electorate displayed in 1975 being re-enacted in 2013.
Wonder how long it'll take them THIS time to realise they backed the wrong horse?