This is not a debate about if you think it's right or wrong
Currently we don't have gay marriages.
A change in the law would benefit the voters Not sure how it would, but I'll take your word for it.
So do you want gay marriages?
If it brings happiness to those that do, and really pisses bigots off then 'Yes'.
If you vote yes - how does it change you or the ability to feed and clothed your family
Makes no difference.
If no - then you've voted for the status quo.
Says who? You??
I vote no gay marriages
If as you say above, 'A change in the law would benefit the voters', Why not??
It does not impact me so why should I vote yes?
O.K. Jack!!
Must I vote yes to everything that does not impact me because someone is going to call me names?
Everyone does that now.
If the Greens believe in this sooooo strongly - let them make this their election centre-piece
Whyyyyyyy Notttttt!!
If Wong believes in this soooo strongly - let her make this the centre-piece at the next election
Send her an email. Just might keep you otherwise occupied for a while.
No political party will do it!!!
Not even the Greens.
Give it time!
Gay marriages is a second thought now because the Greens leader is not gay!!
In your, no doubt, honest opinion.