You said it MUSO,
"We need to put ourselves in danger..."
The lack of adversity in this nation sends us numb.
Bullying? Teasing? They are constructive adversity.
I had over x100 fights in Mt Druitt before I even got to High School at St Marys, then it was the mental abuse by the 'in' Gays of 'over-achievement'.
I never cried 'foul', I just played to the whistle.
Even when I knew I would lose the fight, the fact is that I made it a bloody good fight and showed people how much I can 'endure'. And I was a Passive person too.
So if a kid is fat, gay, redneck, yobbo, wanker, speaks poorly, can't draw, can't swim, can't afford a suitcase, etc, etc, etc, - then he is bullied and teased for a very good reason = they don't want help from the people around them or can't accept that they have a problem.
Thus - two lessons the kid learns early, or later in life.
Alas, wisdom is not taught in schools, which are 'intelligence' based, let alone because of a lack of (older?) wise teachers as role models.
The kids who accepted their problem: eg FAT, were never teased or bullied. They were left alone, supported (even in Mt Druitt) by other kids and even cheered 'against the odds'.
So come later in life, when people are 'Adults' - I'm sure some 'restrictions' like people being banned from serving food as Fatso's is no different to people being asked not to use mobile phones in certain areas.
Social ettiquette and societies way of saying 'Shape Up' (for those who can't see it themselves')
...or maybe they need to have it punched into them as if they were a computer?