mantra wrote on Apr 10
th, 2013 at 10:13am:
Quote:Julius believes there is now even a backlash against fit people. So instead of fat people being made to feel awkward, he says that fit people are often made to feel bad about making their health a priority.
I'm not sure if there's a backlash, but it seems as though fat people are being taken as the norm - especially the young.
Wherever you go there are men and women proudly showing off their girth with super tight and revealing clothes. There used to be shame if you could pinch an inch of skin around your stomach and fat people were quite rare.
Sugar is the main cause of obesity. Perhaps the government needs to start monitoring sugar the way they have with cigarettes. Imposing a huge tax on sugar could save a lot of lives. mantra,
That sort of 'social engineering', is what is wrong with our society.
are not prepared tend to refuse to accept the consequences of our own choices, being 'sheeted home' to ourselves.
Instead, we have come to expect someone else to continually 'rescue' us, from the consequences of our poor choices.
That is wrong!
How are we to ever learn anything useful in life, if we are never allowed to make mistakes [mistakes which actually cost us something] ???
Let the obese die of heart disease!
And let others take note of that CONSEQUENCE, of obesity.Too harsh ?
That is a better 'outcome', than preventing me and others in society, from,
...........having access to a 'dangerous' substance like sugar !!!!?
If you want all of your choices made for yuo, people such as yourself should [seriously] go and live in North Korea, or, Saudi Arabia, or, Iran, or, Somalia.
The regimes in those places want to run your life for you!