longweekend58 wrote on Apr 12
th, 2013 at 2:40pm:
then I await the day when my mortage is reassed as a percent of GDP. it would of course only be fair to increase my mortage right? that is the argument you are making and we cna all be very sure that if GDP had grown less than CPI then you WOUldnt use this argument.
Actually this is the kind of bigus crap that labor supporters and govt spew up as further evidence of their unsuitability to manage a modern economy. First there were the 'record mortgage interest rates (which werent)' then there was the 'structural deficit' aka 'the deficit you have when you arent having a deficit'. now we have the 'new maths' where 9=40. bbut then there is always the wonderful 'debt is good' gospel promoted by the same bozos that in 5 years increased the debt by more than anyone in history. The rest of the world is hanging off a 1000 ft cliff and you crazy buffoons think it is fine to hang off a 100ft cliff. Howard however preferred that we stay miles away from the cliff.
the 'new economics' - excuses wrapped up in lies.
Many people do increase their mortgage as time goes on, to buy more things, primarily because they see an increase in their own wages. And somehow, that increase and wage ratio ... stays the same... woooowwww.
As for the rest of your spew, what a dingbat you are. You argue that you don't like "political speak" from governments and yet where were you when your rodent love child was trying to sell us that he was responsible for "record low interest rates" and was trying to sell us the message that "only he could keep interest rates low"? Where were you when your rodent tried to convince us that debt is always bad, and we must always have surplus; that it is simply non-negotiable? And where are you when your other lovechild, the arsewipe Tony is standing around telling us the world is caving in because of the carbon tax, and yet as the statistics you are STILL AVOIDING from the OP prove otherwise? Where are you when the economics of this country are being poured down the drain by your lot? Enough of your rubbish. Time you either started to comprehend what others are saying, or stop debating. Because it's utterly dull to see you try to go over the same ponit over and over and ignore everything around you. Especiall when others have moved on.
Oh, and on a side note, by suggesting your metaphor when trying to explain the current economic conditions around the world you only prove how much of an idiot you really are. The western world is going through significant turbulence. No one is denying that around the world - not even the conservatives who you would every other day bow down to. Yet, you seem to think that the rest of the world plunging into trouble is somehow not going to impact us, and as a result we should try to continue as business as usual? Austerity perhaps? That's what we need whe nthe economy is on a downturn? Go get economics 101. Do something with your brain to gather better understanding, and then come back to us. You're just whinging and whigning and I tell you, it's nothign but an irritating headache. And, after all the whigning, you're still to address the stats being discussed within the OP. Still can't? Still trying to sell the picture of the sky falling in becuase of the carbon tax?