Gold Member
A fool is certain: an ignorant fool, absolutely so
Posts: 2603
Greggery, so good to see you back. Have you come up with an answer to: # wrote on Aug 10 th, 2013 at 10:17am: # wrote on Aug 9 th, 2013 at 4:09pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 9 th, 2013 at 3:29pm: # wrote on Aug 9 th, 2013 at 1:32pm: ... Bearing in mind that the vast majority of the best qualified hold a consistent position on Anthropogenic Global Warming, what are your qualifications for denying that there is "enough reliable, credible evidence to support it"?
Is your position scepticism or denial? Scepticism. As I've already explained to you, I am completely open-minded: AGW may indeed be happening. Considering the evidence available at the moment though, I remain sceptical. So what is your rationale for denying the credibility of the evidence upon which the vast majority of the best qualified rely? From your failure to respond, I infer that you have no rational basis for your denial. Given that scepticism is a rational philosophy, if your denial has no rational basis, is it scepticism? If your denial is not scepticism, are you a genuine sceptic? You can easily establish your credibility by detailing your rationale. If you can't do that, then you might do yourself a favour by examining the reasons for your faith in a belief system that is not supported by the vast majority of the best qualified. If you can't validate your denial, can you at least acknowledge that you're no sceptic? greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 14 th, 2013 at 4:50pm: muso wrote on Aug 13 th, 2013 at 5:12pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 12 th, 2013 at 3:31pm: Yet followers of the cult still seem to think that consensus is some sort of "argument" for the AGW hypothesis when, in fact, it's not even part of the scientific method. Tsk tsk. Consensus of opinion is next to worthless, however consensus of evidence is a totally different matter. The evidence of increased forcing due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide is unequivocal. Newspaper articles are opinion. Blog articles are opinion. They are not part of the scientific method. Scientific papers have been subject to a rigorous peer review process. They are not opinion. They are evidence. There is a difference. Consensus about a theory is different yet again. Stick to the science, and leave consensus out of it. ... If consensus is irrelevant, why does your Cult of Climate Science Denial put so much effort into denying that there is one?