Chimp_Logic wrote on Apr 13
th, 2013 at 12:54pm:
List any international scientific organisation, academic institution, research body, STATE, Corporation etc that refutes the high school level science that underpins anthropogenically driven global warming trends and REJECTS the urgency in mitigating global Carbon emissions in order to avert future climate driven catastrophies.
Now surely if the Denialist priests are claiming that the data sets are unreliable and inconclusive, and that there is a massive debate going on in the scientific community concerning the validity of AGW, they should be able to point to who is on the other side (apart from Andrew Bolt and Lord Monckton of course)
greggerypeccary wrote on Apr 13
th, 2013 at 12:59pm:
Why do you think scientific consensus is an argument, ...
OK, so you tacitly acknowledge that there's no
Quote:... massive debate going on in the scientific community concerning the validity of AGW
greggerypeccary wrote on Apr 13
th, 2013 at 12:59pm:
... or even part of the scientific method?
Where did you pull that from? To what part of the opening post does it logically relate?
Most significantly, you've not been able to
Quote:List any international scientific organisation, academic institution, research body, STATE, Corporation etc that refutes the high school level science that underpins anthropogenically driven global warming trends and REJECTS the urgency in mitigating global Carbon emissions in order to avert future climate driven catastrophies.
A genuine sceptic would have rational reasoning at the ready.