Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Apr 14
th, 2013 at 5:45pm:
I used to think in the early days of my membership to this forum that it was populated by the younger generation, but apparently that's not the case. Apparently, there are quite a number of older posters here. There is definitely a "childishness" present here that tests your faith in the capacities of your fellow human beings.
I got the impression early on that it was just a bunch of rough, rude people who were in the habit of swearing and using profane language. With regards to "youngsters," I'd say that sometimes on the Internet, you wonder if you're dealing with knowledgeable youngsters or older people who act like children, people who are supposed to impart their wisdom to the younger generation but end up setting a bad example. The younger generation grow up and become just like them, continuing the vicious cycle.
They use words like moron, leftard, rightard, retard, pissing off, f*ck, bull-sh*t, bitch, bigot. Even if they don't say something immediately insulting, they attack you in some other way, like saying you're ignorant, what you've written is drivel or that your idea is stupid. Having to read a rude post and being offended isn't the worst thing. It's when they don't elaborate or fail to even communicate what the problem is but act like they've made their point when they haven't. What I also find uncomfortable is why such rudeness was even necessary. Is there something so hideously wrong with me or my views that they have to speak to me in such a way? If not, their rudeness wasn't necessary and I wonder if they're doing it for the rush of testosterone.
I appreciate most people's views and ideas, even those conflicting with my own. What I don't appreciate is insults or views that I find condescending, patronising or snobbish.
Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Apr 14
th, 2013 at 5:50pm:
But anyway, Freediver hits on the central point that this childishness is due to these types of forums being opened up to the "normal person." Many of these "normal people" think they are an expert on all things. There are a few posters here, though, that definitely know their topic, and they are always worth reading because of that.
"Know-all's" are the most annoying kinds of people. They're the kind of people who consistently tell you you're wrong when they "disagree" with you. They think they "know" better than you, but the question isn't whether they're right or not. It's their failure to understand why you think differently. If they were really that smart, they would know why we all end up with different views. They would at least have the imagination to visualise how you might have come up with the views you have.