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Busted wide open - the fraud of temp adjustments (Read 679 times)
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Australian Politics

Posts: 17029
Busted wide open - the fraud of temp adjustments
Apr 15th, 2013 at 5:01pm
Ill start this out with what has occured. You should go to the site and get the whole rundown

Below, it shows that the difference between the fraudulent adjustments from the raw data, overlaid on to the new fraudulent adjusted temperatures, shows the kicker. All of the warming is from the rises in the fraudulent raw data adjustments

Now, here comes the kicker. I overlaid the USHCN adjustments (thin blue line) on the current GISS US temperature graph below, lining up with the 1930s peak. The scale adjusted for Fahrenheit vs Centigrade of course.

As you can see, essentially all of the “warming” which is shown in the graph since the 1930s, is due to adjustments made to the thermometer readings.

Temps on the left of the graph have been cooled (cooling the past), the temps on the right have been adjusted much warmer from raw(warming the present). The warming temperatures on the right are correlated with the adjustments.
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« Last Edit: Apr 15th, 2013 at 5:40pm by progressiveslol »  
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