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Bombs explode at Boston Marathon (Read 75732 times)
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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #240 - Apr 20th, 2013 at 4:12pm
Is there actual video proof that incriminates these guys?
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John Smith
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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #241 - Apr 20th, 2013 at 4:14pm
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #242 - Apr 20th, 2013 at 4:20pm
John Smith wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 4:08pm:
Chard wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 3:48pm:
John Smith wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 3:21pm:
Chard wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 3:16pm:
Yes, because two wrongs always make a right, internet tough guy. Seriously, John, are you twelve or something?

bugger off stupid ... I didn't ask you to agree with it .

And there's nothing saying I can't call your oxygen thieving ass on it when you post immature revenge fantasy bullshit. You may now go back to touching yourself to torture porn, dumbass.

what works for you doesn't necessarily work for everyone else.

Yes, because mob rule and anatchy are so much more effective for civilization then fancy stuff like rule of law, trail by jury, ect... Roll Eyes

Do me a favor, next time you talk to your mom ask her to swallow next time so she doesn't burden the human race any more than she already has by birthing you.
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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #243 - Apr 20th, 2013 at 4:38pm
Chard wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 2:40pm:
It's likely. In fact, the last major domestic terrorism attack, the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing, resulted in legislation that streamlined handling federal capital crimes and resulted in the the 2001 execution of Tim McVeigh. McVeigh was the first federal prisoner executed by the US Government since the USSC's 1976 Gregg vs Georgia decision reaffirming the use of the death penilty in the US.

Eitherway, he's going to end up at Terre Haute where if he's lucky the guards will put him in isolation so he doesn't get passed around the block until you couldn't the difference between him farting or yawning.

That said, I'm mildly surprised that they really were Muslims, but I called it for being domestic terrorists. Oh, and I couldn't help but notice it was a pair of white guys that did it. Guess someone tbought it was time for some white-on-white killing for once.

Yes Chard, you got it a bit wrong. But you did your cred no harm at all. Are you sure you're from Alabama? I thought you got the death penalty there for non-bigotry  Grin
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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #244 - Apr 20th, 2013 at 4:49pm
Chard wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 4:20pm:
John Smith wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 4:08pm:
Chard wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 3:48pm:
John Smith wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 3:21pm:
Chard wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 3:16pm:
Yes, because two wrongs always make a right, internet tough guy. Seriously, John, are you twelve or something?

bugger off stupid ... I didn't ask you to agree with it .

And there's nothing saying I can't call your oxygen thieving ass on it when you post immature revenge fantasy bullshit. You may now go back to touching yourself to torture porn, dumbass.

what works for you doesn't necessarily work for everyone else.

Yes, because mob rule and anatchy are so much more effective for civilization then fancy stuff like rule of law, trail by jury, ect... Roll Eyes

Do me a favor, next time you talk to your mom ask her to swallow next time so she doesn't burden the human race any more than she already has by birthing you.

Why do you use words such as Anarchy when you clearly don't understand their meaning (nor their correct spelling)???

Anarchism is not a Chaotic system where there are NO RULES. Its definition is a system where there are NO RULERS.

Anarchy is the ultimate form of democracy and freedom - NO RULERS. A system were the participants equally devise what rules they want in their society.

(unless of course you believe that a system which has NO RULERS (ie the absence of fascism or tyranny) cannot responsibly set up a just society - ie you are a person that needs to be guided like a sheep)
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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #245 - Apr 20th, 2013 at 4:50pm
Chard wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 4:20pm:
John Smith wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 4:08pm:
Chard wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 3:48pm:
John Smith wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 3:21pm:
Chard wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 3:16pm:
Yes, because two wrongs always make a right, internet tough guy. Seriously, John, are you twelve or something?

bugger off stupid ... I didn't ask you to agree with it .

And there's nothing saying I can't call your oxygen thieving ass on it when you post immature revenge fantasy bullshit. You may now go back to touching yourself to torture porn, dumbass.

what works for you doesn't necessarily work for everyone else.

Yes, because mob rule and anatchy are so much more effective for civilization then fancy stuff like rule of law, trail by jury, ect... Roll Eyes

Do me a favor, next time you talk to your mom ask her to swallow next time so she doesn't burden the human race any more than she already has by birthing you.

Why do you use words such as Anarchy when you clearly don't understand their meaning (nor their correct spelling)???

Anarchism is not a Chaotic system where there are NO RULES. Its definition is a system where there are NO RULERS.

Anarchy is the ultimate form of democracy and freedom - NO RULERS. A system were the participants equally devise what rules they want in their society.

(unless of course you believe that a system which has NO RULERS (ie the absence of fascism or tyranny) cannot responsibly set up a just society - ie you are a person that needs to be guided like a sheep)
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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #246 - Apr 20th, 2013 at 5:39pm
Chimp_Logic wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 4:50pm:
Why do you use words such as Anarchy when you clearly don't understand their meaning (nor their correct spelling)???

Anarchism is not a Chaotic system where there are NO RULES. Its definition is a system where there are NO RULERS.

Anarchy is the ultimate form of democracy and freedom - NO RULERS. A system were the participants equally devise what rules they want in their society.

(unless of course you believe that a system which has NO RULERS (ie the absence of fascism or tyranny) cannot responsibly set up a just society - ie you are a person that needs to be guided like a sheep)

Thanks for that CL. I let it go because I couldn't be bothered and I do differentiate between anarchy and Anarchy. The word did exist before the movement and the meaning was 'chaos and confusion'.

Perhaps you could contribute something to the discussion over here.
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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #247 - Apr 20th, 2013 at 7:23pm
ISLAMIST response to the Boston bombings.

Egyptian Salafi cleric - -
This bombing is a threat/message to America, to the West, and to France [for Mali].
The West will be destroyed.
This threat/message is sent down by Allah.
The mujahideen are not defeated.

Egyptian Cleric: Boston Bombing Was Meant to Deliver a Message; Similar Attacks Expected in France

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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John Smith
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Australian Politics

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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #248 - Apr 20th, 2013 at 7:31pm
Chard wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 4:20pm:
John Smith wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 4:08pm:
Chard wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 3:48pm:
John Smith wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 3:21pm:
Chard wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 3:16pm:
Yes, because two wrongs always make a right, internet tough guy. Seriously, John, are you twelve or something?

bugger off stupid ... I didn't ask you to agree with it .

And there's nothing saying I can't call your oxygen thieving ass on it when you post immature revenge fantasy bullshit. You may now go back to touching yourself to torture porn, dumbass.

what works for you doesn't necessarily work for everyone else.

Yes, because mob rule and anatchy are so much more effective for civilization then fancy stuff like rule of law, trail by jury, ect... Roll Eyes
I was talking about your fascination with torture porn stupid

Do me a favor, next time you talk to your mom ask her to swallow next time so she doesn't burden the human race any more than she already has by birthing you.
I'll ask you mom to show her how.

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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #249 - Apr 20th, 2013 at 8:28pm
Chard wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 3:44pm:
Bobby. wrote on Apr 20th, 2013 at 3:24pm:
Yes Chard,
you are quite right.
I would expect him to be put in a padded cell on suicide watch -
to be drinking from paper cups & have guards watching him directly 24 hours a day
even when he goes to the toilet.

Oh, he won't be able to scratch his own balls without assistance from his guards. I'm pretty sure the BPD isn't going to let any Micks from Southie near the guy with all the Federal TLAs aroind. He's relatively safe for now.

I doubt that any other prisoners would be reaming his butt out.

Once his trial is ovet with and he gets to prison it all depends on the staff at Terre Haute.

He may get some water boarding to find out who helped him
but Obama stopped that - I think?

Case this high profile I doubt they'd do that simply because any evidence or confessions gained under torture would be inadmissable in court.

You wouldn't want to deny the American people a fair trial on TV would you?
I think we'll all look forward to it.

A fair trial,
a fair appeal
then execution -
I suppose by lethal injection because that what Tim got?

Depends on the venue. At terre Haute I believe it's lethal injection or gas chamber, but the condemned could also opt for hanging if it's a Federal capital crime they were convicted on. I'd go with hanging, myself. Properly performed it's the quickest and least painful method.


Thanks Chard,
a good summary & answer to all my questions.
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Christ Light

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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #250 - Apr 21st, 2013 at 3:08pm

LOOK ! Proof That Craft or Blackwater Agents did the Boston Marathon

Published on Apr 20, 2013
In this video i show you how the Media suspect that is still alive and captured , Left the event WITH HIS BACKPACK ! BUT ......Their Craft aka Blackwater Agent was caught running out of the scene ..WITHOUT HIS BACKPACK ....The one that matches the Bomb Backpack PERFECTLY !!
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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #251 - Apr 21st, 2013 at 3:14pm
Roll Eyes Let's play spot the looney.
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Christ Light

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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #252 - Apr 21st, 2013 at 3:42pm

why not look at the evidence provided

instead of playing your loony game

and false information from corporate media types?

you have freewill to stay ignorant

this does not effect the facts..

you are forgiven


- :  )
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Christ Light

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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #253 - Apr 21st, 2013 at 3:46pm

Official: Boston bombing suspect suffers throat injury, may not be able to talk

Chelsea J. Carter
April 20, 2013

Wolf Blitzer at his finest
The surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings suffered an injury to his throat and may not be able to talk, a federal official told CNN on Saturday, possibly hindering attempts by authorities to question him about a motive in the attack.
With one suspect dead, authorities believe answers to a motive and whether the brothers had help rest with Dzhokar Tsarnaev, who was captured Friday night just minutes after authorities had indicated that a massive manhunt for the suspect appeared to come up empty.
The official, who was briefed on Tsarnaev’s condition, spoke on condition of anonymity.
Read full article

Official: Boston bombing suspect 'sedated'
By Chelsea J. Carter, CNN
April 21, 2013 -- Updated 0208 GMT (1008 HKT)

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Christ Light

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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #254 - Apr 21st, 2013 at 3:53pm

at 5:10 mins see the evidence

blackwater operative leaves backpack

matching the explosive device used and

the 2 patsies fitted up for the crime..

very sloppy work from blackwater

a CIA front company..


Afghan Info War | Mar 31, 2013 | Comments 35


In an interview published Thursday by the Daily Beast, Prince revealed how deeply connected Blackwater was to the Central Intelligence Agency, especially in the early 2000s. Last month, federal prosecutors dropped felony charges against Blackwater personnel after it was revealed that the employees had been acting under the orders of the US government. After a three-year-long prosecution, most of the company’s executives walked free and two men received nothing more than probation, house arrest and $5,000 fines.

But the tens of thousands of pages of court documents from the case shed light on an argument the company made throughout those three years – that Blackwater itself was an extension of the CIA.
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