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Bombs explode at Boston Marathon (Read 76111 times)
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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #345 - Apr 26th, 2013 at 12:18pm
NO, I was not surprised when the Tsarnaev brothers, the terrorists involved in last week's Boston bombing, turned out to be Islamic radicals. And neither am I surprised that they are fans of Australian Islamic cleric Sheik Feiz Mohammed.planned attack in Canada.

Nor will I be surprised if a similar attack happens in Australia - or Europe, or anyplace where the authorities remain blind to the true nature of Islam. We learned on Tuesday of a planned attack in Canada.

Read the Koran and you will find the explanation. "Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it," the Koran tells the faithful (2:216). In case anyone doubts what is meant by fighting: "I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, maim them in every limb!" (8:12).

And yet, most Western intellectuals, journalists and politicians keep declaring that the "true" Islam can be found in the occasional non-bellicose sentences of the Koran. "Islam is a religion of peace," they say. And whenever adherents of this "religion of peace" blow up pressure cookers full of nails amid innocent bystanders, we hear that "they are not acting in accordance to Islamic teachings".

I have spent almost a decade under round-the-clock police protection because of death threats. I have been marked for death by the adherents of Islam for stating that the cause of Islamic terrorism is Islam. Its founder Mohammed "cast terror", in his own words, into the hearts of people. To give but one example: In 627, Mohammed ordered the genocide of the Banu Qurayza, a Jewish tribe from Medina. The women and children were sold as slaves and the men were decapitated, with Mohammed actively participating in the massacre. Osama bin Laden took his authority from the teachings and the practice of Mohammed. Islam is definitely not a religion like other religions. Did Jesus slaughter his enemies? Are there any Jews or Buddhists who for the sake of their religion fly planes into buildings or murder and maim onlookers at a marathon?

People such as Feiz Mohammed, the Australian-born sheik of Lebanese origin, whose Islamic "sermons" inspired the Tsarnaev brothers, are not propagating a false Islam. They are propagating the Islam of the Koran and of Mohammed. Why do most intellectuals, journalists and politicians close their eyes to this reality?

Three years ago, Feiz Mohammed issued an internet video in which he called for my beheading. I was, he said, "evil filth". "Chop his head off," he told his followers. I am threatened for the simple reason that I am an Islam critic. But, make no mistake, I am not the only one who is in danger. The Tsarnaev brothers drew inspiration from Feiz Mohammed's internet rants and decided to kill innocent onlookers at a marathon. Everyone is in danger.

Following the Boston bombing, Australia's Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said that Sheik Mohammed's videos no longer represent his views. He said: "Sheik Feiz Mohammed, in recent months, condemned the use of violence and certainly, as a community leader, he's someone that's getting behind the countering violent extremism program that we have in many communities."

Dreyfus has great faith in the conversion of the hate-preacher. But I do not share this optimism. Islam's founder Mohammed told his followers that they are allowed to lie and cheat in order to advance Islam. I have not heard the sheik recall his demand for my beheading. Nor did the Tsarnaev brothers hear Sheik Mohammed declare that the Islam he preached earlier is not the true Islam.

When, two months ago, I visited Australia at the invitation of the Q Society, I spoke at public events in Melbourne and the Sydney suburb of Liverpool. An event in Perth was cancelled because West Australian Premier Colin Barnett opposed my presence in his state. The event in Melbourne was disrupted by violent protests. Various conference centres in Sydney refused to have me, which forced me to speak in Liverpool which, as it happens, used to be the home turf of Feiz Mohammed.

People who came to listen to me had to go through thorough security checks. Sadly, this was all necessary because there are people - not just in Europe, Canada and America, but also in Australia - who are willing to bring into practice what Sheik Mohammed preaches in his internet videos.

Will Australian politicians learn the lessons from Boston? It all depends on whether they are prepared to face the truth. As Debbie Robinson of the Q Society, Australia's leading organisation promoting a realist view of Islam, said in a reaction to the "extremism" behind the Boston atrocity: "Professing to seek solutions, but refusing to identify the cause, is pointless."

In my view, the cause is Islam's inherent violent and intolerant nature. I always make a distinction between Muslims and Islam. Most Muslims are moderate, but this does not mean that there is such thing as a moderate Islam. People who reject Islam's violent and intolerant commandments are not practising "moderate Islam" - in my view they are not practising Islam at all. If Islam was a tolerant religion would I - or anyone who criticises Islam - have to live under 24-hour police protection?

Geert Wilders, MP, is the leader of the Dutch Party for Freedom, the largest party in the polls.
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The Coalition won!! Now get over it!!
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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #346 - Apr 26th, 2013 at 12:55pm
Tamerlan was a real charmer, in July 2009, he was  arrested for slapping an ex-girlfriend, according to court records. His ex was “crying hysterically” and called 911 to report that she was “beat up by her boyfriend” Cambridge Police Officer Angela Pereira wrote in the arrest report.  Tsarnaev stated at the time “Yes, I slapped her.” He said that he struck the left side of her face. Eleven months later, his American girlfriend, a girl from a good family who should have known better, converted to Islam and married the SOB.  Friends said he controlled his wife's every move but was happy to send her out to work while he sat at home making bombs.

I seriously believe that those who convert to Islam are a definite worry and this wife has questions to answer. The word is that the man who radicalized him was an American convert.  Remember the woman who lied and said the cop pulled her veil off after he pulled her over for a traffic offence?  She was an Aussie convert.
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Christ Light

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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #347 - Apr 29th, 2013 at 7:37pm

Breaking News:Boston Exposed Bare! – Terror Drills In USA Tomorrow – Dare We Say FFE Agian?
Published by Tony Z on April 28, 2013 | 0 Comment
We at Syncrenicity have been researching (as much as possible) of the information on the “Boston Bombings” event and are confident it was as it seems, a False Flag Event.   What is even more shocking is the nature of the details that have now come to light.   The information that has now risen to the surface is going to rock people to the core and we are going to lay it out for you here and now..

On the search for information we came across many, many videos regarding countless aspects of the sort and painstakingly went thru them trying to decode what is really going on here and who, why, how, what for and many other aspects of the same kinds of questions had to be asked.   The majority of the information is in the earlier posts on the front page for your review.

After many many years of researching as many aspects of this as possible we can now conclude this is the most incredible line of actual information that corroborates the “Truth” on the whole sorry scenario.   We can see from the details that are presented here that we have not only got the information very accurately put together but you, the viewer will finally see for the first time a picture that is going to “Blow your mind!”

The following is an extract that was a short description regarding the rest of the post.

Well this is one of the closes explanations I have come across to date explaining how the PTWere carry out the “Ceremonies” to enact the reaction and control of both “supposedly” Natural Events and Human Control.  The magic, symbols, alignments, astrology alignments as well as backup proof as to how its all laid out and functions including the times dates and even historic events which coincide with past ritual murders/disasters…. Long video but worth the study is an “understatement.”

Please be advised this will, will shock those of you who have not done the research into the real story behind the truth of what is going on in our world today.

Published on Apr 27, 2013
(full hd 3g Cell version)

The Great LINE in the Killing of the 2 KINGS and new connections in the Boston Bombing that exposes MASONIC Controlling Factions within the US GOVERNMENT FBI/CIA & City of BOSTON aka the REAL perpetrators of BOTH Illuminati RITUALS!

PREQUEL to PART 4: "God-Code Matrix of 188 vs.The Orion Serpents of SIRIUS"
(Scheduled for release in 1 week)

And for god sakes people, if you don't like the music or it's too loud, CLICK THE MUTE BUTTON!

A special inside look exposing the Ancient MASONIC UNDERWORLD of the
AKA the REAL perpetrators of the Boston Marathon Bombing who are all connected to the SAME GROUP that orchestrated 9/11, SANDY HOOK and the Assassinations of JFK & MLK.

If you're not ready to confront or consider the ugly truth and implications that our civilization, government systems and concept of reality has been, and continues to be manipulated, controlled and essentially CREATED by an ancient masonic ocCULT connected to Sun Worship that pre-dates ALL organized religious institutions on the planet by thousands of years,
then DO NOT watch this video because without context or basic knowledge,
it probably won't make any sense to those that haven't watch the previous videos I've released or taken the time to do the most basic research into our civilization's ancient mythos, cultures, and origin(s).
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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #348 - Apr 29th, 2013 at 8:43pm
MASONIC Controlling Factions within the US GOVERNMENT FBI/CIA & City of BOSTON aka the REAL perpetrators of BOTH Illuminati RITUALS!

Dear master Light,
The real control of one's self comes from within.

You do not have to learn to love Big Brother.

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Christ Light

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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #349 - May 1st, 2013 at 7:58am

BOMBSHELL: FBI Whistleblower Reveals CIA Ran The Boston Bombers

Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:55

Following revelations of the Boston Bombers ties to the CIA FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds details the Tsarnaev brother’s links to CIA backed terrorist operations in Chechnya.

In the last few days details ties between Boston Bombers Uncle Ruslan and former top CIA official Graham Fuller have been revealed by the alternative media.

In an attempt to do damage control the corporate media acknowledged the ties and downplayed the links.

But now FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds who is familiar with Graham Fuller’s involvement in backing terrorist operations overseas has stepped forward with new details about Fuller.

Initially, it was discovered the Boston Bombers’ Uncle Ruslan was on the FEDS payroll and tied to the CIA:

Boston Bombers Uncle On Feds Payroll, Tied To CIA

Boston Bombers’ Uncle Tied To CIA

An investigative report from Daniel Hopsicker reveals murky dealings that indicate a connection between Boston Bomber’s Uncle Ruslan Tsanir and the CIA.

The report reveals that the bomber’s Uncle, made famous for his outspoken condemnation of his nephew’s which aired repeatedly on international news networks, is a well-connected oil executive who at one point worked for a Halliburton shell company used as a front to obtain oil contracts from the Kazakh State which is not involved in an investigation for laundering $6 billion.

Tsanir’s company was well known as being on the CIA’s payroll for reporting intelligence out of the country and further raising eyebrows is the fact the Tsanir was also receiving money directly from USAID, a U.S. taxpayer foreign aid fund notoriously known for funding global CIA black operations which operate under the flag of various humanitarian and pro-democracy operations.

Tsanir’s connections became international news during a Swiss investigation in 2011 when his name popped up as one of several executives in a ring of offshore oil companies involved in money laundering for “international corruption”.

BOMBSHELL: CIA Ran The Boston Bombers Reveals FBI Whistleblower

Published on Apr 30, 2013
Full Story & complete background

Following revelations of the Boston Bombers ties to the CIA FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds details the Tsarnaev brother's links to CIA backed terrorist operations in Chechnya.


Read Entire Article: Boston Bombers Uncle On Feds Payroll, Tied To CIA

Following the initial revelations came further revelations that Uncle Ruslan married the daughter of Graham Fuller:

Boston Bombers Uncle Married Daughter Of Rogue CIA Official


The new report from Daniel reveals after Uncle Ruslan came to American after his time on Uncle Sam’s payroll for doing the CIA’s dirty work overseas he married the daughter of the notorious Graham Fuller.

Graham is most famous for being the man who master-minded the plan to sell covertly sell Iran weapons in what became known as the Iran-Contra affair while working as a top CIA official.

After retiring from the CIA, Graham went on to work for globalist think tank RAND corporation, which is a well-known CIA front company funded by U.S. tax dollars.

Graham’s played a critical role in the Bush Administration’s War on Terror, often cited by the by the corporate media in high-profile terrorism cases.

Graham was also named by FBI whistleblower Siebel Edmonds as one of Americas Deep State Rogues, which is a list of individuals known to abuse the state secrets doctrine to cover up criminal activity in the name of national security.


Read Entire Article
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Christ Light

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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #350 - May 1st, 2013 at 8:02am

Editor’s Note:
Please see at 3:54 time that the cowboy is pushing the double-amputee for the first time run as seen in the above picture…the second time run is seen starting at about 4:04 time…Different people pushing the second time!?

Close-Up Video of Prosthectics Adjustment Boston Bombing

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Christ Light

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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #351 - May 1st, 2013 at 9:02am

FEMA Hiring Actors To Run Live Terror Drills. Nevada Governor 2014 David Lory VanDerBeek

Saturday, April 27, 2013 11:08

The next time you see FEMA or DHS running a terror drill in your city will you be able to tell the difference between the real bystanders and those paid by FEMA as crisis actors? There has been much to do about the same people making repeated appearances at events such as the Batman Massacre, Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, and so forth. What if it isn’t a conspiracy? What if the government does bring in actors on the “scene” of shoot outs and bombings? What if they justify the use of actors to help the real victims remain calm? What if they use real events to enhance training and emergency response?

What if control freaks in the government use those drills to advance their own political agendas while Americans are none the wiser? …such as gun control…

Welcome to FEMA HSEEP Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program!

Here is where FEMA lays out policies and procedures for hiring actors, waivers, disaster makeup (i.e. blood and guts), local hospital participation, advanced media announcements, and post media releases. I hear what you’re saying. “Of course, they hire actors, David. How else can they train? They’ve been doing this for years.” That’s not the concern. The concern of many Americans including myself is the OUR GOVERNMENT IS STAGING FALSE FLAG TERRORIST EVENTS AND THEN USING ACTORS LIVE ON SCENE TO ADVANCE THE TERRORIST NARRATIVE. It’s like having actors intermingled with the real victims who cannot tell one another apart. The victims think all the victims are real. The actors thinks all victims are actually acting as part of the drill. Just type “crisis actors” into a search engine. Look they have their own website for their organization “Crisis Actors -Trained Players and Actors Making It Real.”


The zombie effect helps the troops train by desensitizing their once human targets. Watch some of the FEMA actors at work below serving as a simulated live target practice and the people cheer…I mean, how else would you prepare for such an event without arousing public outrage? But regardless, the acting is TWO thumbs up, way up. I hope your sensing my contempt…Furthermore, if FEMA/FBI/DHS recruits you to participate in a drill, you sign a waiver, because that drill may be live and you could be killed…

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Christ Light

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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #352 - May 4th, 2013 at 5:49am

Boston Bombings: Police Fired At By Other Police, Not Suspects

Wednesday, May 1, 2013 13:11

The police involved the manhunt for the alleged Boston Bombers are now under investigation for unprovoked shootings at other officers which until now have been blamed on the alleged bombing suspects.

For those who listened to the live radio transcripts this is just one of numerous scandals that occurred.

Some provocateur announced over the radio that the suspects had stolen a black State Police SUV which never happened.

Shortly after police officers on the ground spotted an black SUV matching the description and just opened fire on the SUV without provocation.


Inside the SUV was a Boston police officer and a State Trooper, both on patrol in plain clothes who luckily were not wounded.

Here’s a WCVB TV report.

2013.4.27 Officer May Have Been Hit By Friendly Fire (WCVBtv,

Published on Apr 27, 2013
Team 5 has also learned the investigation into the marathon bombings took federal investigators to a Williams Sonoma store in
News & Politics

Team 5 has also learned the investigation into the marathon bombings took federal investigators to a Williams Sonoma store in [comment not completed - Joel]

The report also states that the Transit police officer the media repeatedly said was shot by the alleged suspects may also have been the victim of friendly fire.

This is one of several instances during the manhunt which the police just opened fire without provocation which raises concerns there were elements within the manhunt that were simply trying to make sure the suspects were not taken in alive.

As I previously reported, this video shows the police opening fire on two men after they scream “We Didn’t Do It, We Give Up!”

Other lies mentioned over the police scanner were claims the suspects had rifles and were shooting at officers.

That never happened. There were no rifles and in fact a whistleblower came forward to admit that the surviving suspect was never even armed.

That is particularly alarming since the police fired on him for an hour while he was hiding inside of a boat claiming they were in a gunfight

Overseas, Russia has also began assassinations of the suspects known associates.

What is raising eyebrows is the bombers overseas associates are CIA backed terrorists and the Uncle of the bomber is on the Feds payroll and also has ties to CIA.

In fact Uncle Ruslan married the daughter of a Top CIA official and an FBI whistleblower has revealed the bombers were ran by the CIA.

In fact after being warned by the Russians and separately a code red warning from Saudi Arabia, the Tamerlan was still allowed to go to Russia despite being on the US terrorist database and the DHS no-fly list.

There are also still unanswered questions surrounding how the bomber where given citizenship after being denied which suggests someone pulled strings for them which may be the same person that pulled strings to allow them to fly overseas.
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Christ Light

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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #353 - May 4th, 2013 at 6:16pm

Boston False Flag Goes Mainstream: Boston Bombing – What You Aren’t Being Told

Friday, May 3, 2013 5:12

Only the most ignorant and/or naive Americans still believe the ‘official’ story given to us by the FBI, the Boston police and the mainstream media about what happened on April 15th, 2013 in Boston, Massachussetts. The Boston Marathon Bombing false flag has now gone mainstream as MILLIONS of Americans have awoken to False Flag (or government sponsored) terrorism due to the obvious lies and deceit spread by the MSM, FBI and Boston police department. Russia Today covers the FBI cover-up and Boston lies in depth.

Published on May 3, 2013
Triggers pulled on 4th, 2nd & 1st Amendments distracted by flag waving; clunky FBI propaganda; and unleash the War on Bathtubs. Seek truth from facts with former Marine Corps officer James Fetzer, editor of Storyleak Anthony Gucciardi, the Corbett Report's James Corbett, Questioning the War on Terror author Kevin Barrett, Boston eyewitnesses, and Fmr. Rep. Ron Paul.
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Christ Light

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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #354 - May 6th, 2013 at 7:26pm

May 5, 2013
Boston False Flag Used Local Production Studio Personnel Contracted by DHS 1
Boston Bombing


May 5, 2013

Instead of fleeing the scene as most did, a few women stayed behind to perform as task.  The lady with scissors was apparently assigned to shred crisis actors’ clothing.

Enter Margie Sullivan, Exec. Producer of  Redtree Film Productions

Coincidence?.  One of two bombs exploded at 666 Boylston Street, directly across the street from her business;  Redtree Productions at 661 Boylston St.

Margie is an Executive Producer at RedtreeProductions which is a full service production company for film, video and interactive.

Prior to joining Redtree, Margie Sullivan was Executive Vice President and Director of Creative Service and Broadcast Production at the global headquarters of Arnold Worldwide, in Boston. Margie was responsible for managing the workflow of the creative department for television, print and interactive.

Margie was the Executive Producer for Mary Mazzio’s Award Winning Documentary, “A Hero for Daisy”.

Margie is a graduate of Emerson College and is currently serving as a member of the Emerson Alumni Board. She is also a member of the Ad Club Board of Directors and is on the Board of the Massachusetts Production Coalition.

Marge has lived in Hingham for 24 years with her husband and 2 children.  (Source)


None of these actors appears to be injured,  affected by shrapnel or covered with dust.  Many of the hospitalizations were alleged to be shrapnel wounds from nails and sharp objects but none of the DHS crisis actors appears to have been hit at all.
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« Last Edit: May 6th, 2013 at 7:35pm by it_is_the_light »  

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Christ Light

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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #355 - May 12th, 2013 at 5:28pm

Video “We Didnt Do It” “We Give Up”- Shots Fired On Them

Saturday, May 11, 2013 5:24


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Christ Light

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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #356 - May 14th, 2013 at 4:04pm

EXPOSED -- Boston Bomb Amputee Karen Rand Seen Wiping Fake Blood

Published on Apr 28, 2013
Unbelievable footage of Boston bombing victims Krystle Campbell and Karen Rand applying fake blood immediately following 1st explosion.
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Re: Bombs explode at Boston Marathon
Reply #357 - May 14th, 2013 at 4:37pm
Grin Grin Grin

Love the bit about the scissors.

Heavily retarded stuff light.

Grin Grin Grin
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