muso wrote on Jul 24
th, 2013 at 9:27pm:
It's a variation of the "No warming since 1998" theme. Too short a period, plus cherry picking the time frame.
Muso there has been NO warming since 1998 when we had the El Nino, temperatures after 1998 have not surpassed the 1998 value.
Unequivocal warming??????????......where??????? their compuetr models...LOL
No themes or variations.....just facts!
Quote:It's also a very simplistic strawman. Nobody ever said that the factor affecting short term global water concentration was CO2 concentration. The main driving force is temperature.
Now are you playing with words here????
The IPCC computer simulated models say that as more manmade CO2 gathers at the equator so then this produces more and more water vapor to cause their ficticious runaway greenhouse effect.
But ofcourse emprical data cannot find their hot spot, their accumulated manmade CO2 or any build up of water vapor.
Quote:As you know perfectly well, there has been a recent short term reduction in solar irradiance.
Thats why we're not going to see any warming for the next couple of decades.
Which means that we have been taxed on the air we breath for nothing, cause the IPCC is dead wrong.
Ofcourse in the mean time they would have created a $2 trillion dollar market.
Now they will probably say that even though the IPCC have got it wrong the world's econmy rests on the trading of carbon credits therefore we have to keep it.
Hang those greenies..............