Rider wrote on Jul 29
th, 2013 at 9:53am:
muso wrote on Jul 26
th, 2013 at 7:19pm:
Good post, apart from the personal insults.
Well insults are the stock in trade for alarmist clap trap.
There is no need to resort to insults.
Quote:Oh, and
I'm not scared of a few mm of ocean rises, and there is no basis for attributing any naturally occurring event (every natural event seen today has been seen before, there is no increase proven in occurrence nor severity - you turn your panic control back to normal..ok??)
First of all, you can panic all you like, but I don't think I've said anything about panicking. There has
been a statistically proven increase in severity. I'll give you the link to the paper if you want, but as it's against your agenda, I suppose you'll dismiss it in some way or other.
There have been storms in the past, and it makes sense that if you increase the energy of the system by reducing radiated Long Wave Infrared emissions to space, storms will continue to be more frequent and more severe in the future. Put it this way, how many 1 in 100 year flood events do you need to show that things have changed? There is a sound statistical basis for this.
Quote:Have you noticed the discord between rising co2 and temperatures......another oops moment - you do realise your primary tenet is now proven to be broken? you need to take your hypothesis back to the shop and I do hope us tax payers get a refund.
What exactly is the primary tenet that you're referring to? I don't have anything to do with government policies. All I'm concerned about is those who bastardise basic atmospheric physics to support their cause of "Do nothing"
Quote:Oceans rise, oceans fall, no biggy so get over it and get on with your life and stop trying desperately to create a fear based political solution to a non problem. Climate blah blah blah is so yesterday.
Ocean rises and falls are
caused. They don't just happen and we understand the causes pretty well. During the last Ice Age it was due to the Milankovitch cycles. Obviously this is not the cause today. We know this because we can and do measure the orbital parameters of the Earth pretty accurately. How do you think they can get satellites and space probes to go where we want them to go without a detailed knowledge of orbital parameters? The causes of past cooling and warming are different to those of today.
I'm not interested in political solutions or wealth distribution. I'm certainly not left of centre and it's not a partisan issue by any means.
Atmospheric Physics just happens to be one of my subjects, and I've had over 20 years experience in Environmental Management for large corporations.
There are other ways of maintaining the current economic system without resorting to burning coal and oil. It should be obvious to anyone with solar panels on their roof (for example) that we can maintain or improve our standard of living and reduce impact on the environment at the same time. Nobody is asking you to wear tie died clothes and sing Kumbaya or go back to living in straw huts. Renewable energy is a totally practical proposition.
That'll be great, post up the evidence of any increased weather event severity attributable to man made global warming. Should be interesting.